2.8 KiB
Insert queries
- Insert a row with your name and all the other fields in students table
- Insert a row with just mandatory fields in students table
Select Queries
Get all students
Get first and last name of all students
Get first name of all students with output column name as
Student Name
Get all unique addresses of all students
Get all students with ID equal to 1
Get all students with IQ greater than 150
Get all students with IQ less than 100
Get all students with IQ greater than 100 and less than150
Get all students with IQ greater than 100 or less than 150
Get all students with first name
Get all students with first name
and last nameTope
Get all students with first name
or first nameMycroft
Get all students with name
John Watson
orMycroft Holmes
Get all students without the first name
Get all students without the first name
or first nameMycroft
Get all students with first name starting with
Get all students with last name ending with
Get all students with first name containing
Get all students with last name in the format
Get all students from Jhansi and London
Get all students which do not have a batch id
Get the first 5 students
Get the first 5 students sorted by IQ
Get the first 5 students sorted by IQ in descending order
Get the first 5 students sorted by IQ in descending order and then by first name
Update Queries
Update a row
Update a row with a condition
Update multiple columns
Delete Queries
Delete a row with a condition
Delete multiple rows
Joining Queries
Get first name and last name of all students and their batch names
Get first name and last name of all students and their instructor names