2020-11-19 17:02:05 +05:30

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Basic things for Motivation/ First Essential talk

Importance of Small Difference

  • Example 1 :
    • Ask about Breaking Bad
    • discuss the importance of extra 3% clear crystals that walter white made
  • Example 2 :
    • show Pictures of fastest man in India , Asia , World
    • discuss the impact of small millisec difference in timings
  • Depict it with the equation - (1.01)^365 = 37.78

Qualities Essential to be the Best

  • Ask about some essential qualities needed
  • Discuss the importance of few -
    • Consistency
    • Persistance
    • Hardwork in right direction
    • The will power

Performace Equation

  • Discuss about the Performace Equation - Performance = Potential - interference
  • why the potential should be increased and interference should be decreased
  • How can the performance be enhanced
    • Attend All Classes
    • Be Mindful
    • Learning is important

Many technologies, Where to start from?

  • discuss about multiple technologies available , maybe ask students about some names

    • frontend - js,react , angular , vue etc
    • backend - java , python , ruby etc
    • Machine Learning
  • introduce Data structures and Algorithms

    • define and differentiate
      • Data Structure - Something we need to organise data / keep data / Store data = Algorithms - the process / the steps
      • give an example of toothbrush being placed in kitchen
    • discuss about the importance of Data structures and Algorithms
    • Eventually reach to the conclusion that Data structure and Algorithms are important

Building a site more important than learning about Data Structures and Algorithms ?**

  • Ask the question and then discuss the result with examples

  • Example 1 : E-Commerce

    • Dicuss the flow from searching a product to buying it
    • Discuss why we need Data structures and Algorithms in following functionalities
      • Searching a Product - need to be fast
      • Sorting - basis of price , category , reviews etc
      • Search typeahead - throw the name of trie just to introduce a wow-factor
      • Concurrency problem - 1 product , 2 buyers
    • Eventually convince that DSA is more important than just building a site
  • Example 2 : Food Delivery

    • Finding nearest restaurant
    • Sorting the list of restaurant - basis of name , reviews , location
    • Utilisation of resources (Explain with the help of diagram)
      • Shortest path of delivery
      • Shortest time is another factor to consider
      • more factors which finally helps in better utilisation of resources
  • Ask if it's now clear that DSA is the basic building block

How Problem Solving works?

  • Dicuss about the computer and decision making

  • How the computer doesn't have mind of its own

  • How every step needed to be told to computer based on several decisions

  • Example 1 : ATM Machine

    • Discuss the process outline
    • Discuss the process in detail using decision tree (Don't introduce the name yet)
    • after drawing a basic decision tree - introduce with the name "Decision Tree"
    • Keep on focusing on the importance of decisions in problem solving ATM-MACHINE-DECISION_TREE
  • Example 2 : Super Mario

    • Engage students by asking about the game
    • Discuss what decision making happend when you press -> arrow SUPER-MARIO-DECISION-TREE
  • Example 3 : Pubg Game

    • Engage students by asking about the game
    • Discuss what decision making happens while a person shoots in pubg
    • How does energy/health reduction happens , what are different variables involved to make one decision
      • Aim
      • Distance
      • Type of Gun
      • Body Armor

"Observation" - The key to solve Problems

  • Discuss about Guass

    • Ask students if they know about him, what they know
    • state the problem - tell them his teacher gave him the problem
    • Problem : Find the sum of numbers from 1 -> 100
    • discuss that He didn't jump on problem directly, made observation (focus on observation) SUM-OF-NUMBERS
  • Prime Numbers

    • What are prime Numbers

    • why 1 and 0 are not prime

    • Given a number check if it's prime or not - ask students for the solution

      • Approach 1 : Iterate from 1 -> N and check if it is divisble or not

      • Approach 2 : Sqaure root approach - traverse only till square root

        • Intution - factors always occurs in pairs - focus on presenting it as an observation

        • give proof by examples

        • Time analysis between O(N) and O(squareRoot(N))

          • Considering one % (mod operation - ask if they know) takes 1 msec
            N Approach 1 - N steps Approach 2 - sqaureRoot(N) steps
            11 11 msec 3 msec
            101 101 msec 10 msec
            100000 16.6 min 1 sec
            10^18 116 days 1.66 min
        • Ask them if they appreciate the improvement in timings - put more focus

  • Find sqaure root of a given Number

    • Explain the problem - have to find the integer part

    • Approach - 1 :

      • iterate i from 1 to N and check if square of i is <= N
      • if square <= N - it is current ans
      • else stop the process - WHY? - Explain
    • Ask if the Approach 1 is fast enough to increase the curiosity

    • Approach - 2 :

      • start by stating an observation
      • pick some random element and check if it's square is <= or > than N
      • based on previous checks decide to ignore one part - properly explain this with example
      • now rather than picking random , pick middle element
      • reason for picking middle element - it always removes atleast half of the prospect solution LOG-N
    • Discuss the time Analysis

How Data Structures helps in Problem Solving?

  • Discuss how just the way of organising the data can optimise the solution

  • Give example of toothBrush , how toothbrush stored in kitchen would result in ineffeciency

  • Dictionary Word Search

    • Discuss the process of searching a word in dictionary
    • Relation with the sqaure root problem
    • Name of the Algorithm - Binary Search
  • How are we able to apply the Binary Search

    • Order matters (Main situation)
    • Arrangement of Data Matters / Organisation of Data Matters
  • HC Verma Example - searching a word in HC verma

    • Why Binary search won't work

    • No particular organisation of data

    • Can sort all the words - But is it effecient ? NO!

    • Discuss Index / Appendix

    • How data is stored in a different way which improves efficency

    word page nos.
    velocity 100 101 167
    • Data Structure used - Inverted Index
    • All search engines use this to optumise the search


- Importance of Observation
- Importance of Data structures and Algorithms
- Importance of 3 essential qualities
- Further work