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Basic things for Motivation/ First Essential talk
Importance of Small Difference
- Example 1 :
- Ask about Breaking Bad
- discuss the importance of extra 3% clear crystals that walter white made
- Example 2 :
- show Pictures of fastest man in India , Asia , World
- discuss the impact of small millisec difference in timings
- Depict it with the equation -
(1.01)^365 = 37.78
Qualities Essential to be the Best
- Ask about some essential qualities needed
- Discuss the importance of few -
- Consistency
- Persistance
- Hardwork in right direction
- The will power
Performace Equation
- Discuss about the Performace Equation -
Performance = Potential - interference
- why the potential should be increased and interference should be decreased
- How can the performance be enhanced
- Attend All Classes
- Be Mindful
- Learning is important
Many technologies, Where to start from?
discuss about multiple technologies available , maybe ask students about some names
- frontend - js,react , angular , vue etc
- backend - java , python , ruby etc
- Machine Learning
introduce Data structures and Algorithms
- define and differentiate
- Data Structure - Something we need to organise data / keep data / Store data = Algorithms - the process / the steps
- give an example of toothbrush being placed in kitchen
- discuss about the importance of Data structures and Algorithms
- Eventually reach to the conclusion that Data structure and Algorithms are important
- define and differentiate
Building a site more important than learning about Data Structures and Algorithms ?**
Ask the question and then discuss the result with examples
Example 1 : E-Commerce
- Dicuss the flow from searching a product to buying it
- Discuss why we need Data structures and Algorithms in following functionalities
- Searching a Product - need to be fast
- Sorting - basis of price , category , reviews etc
- Search typeahead - throw the name of trie just to introduce a wow-factor
- Concurrency problem - 1 product , 2 buyers
- Eventually convince that DSA is more important than just building a site
Example 2 : Food Delivery
- Finding nearest restaurant
- Sorting the list of restaurant - basis of name , reviews , location
- Utilisation of resources (Explain with the help of diagram)
- Shortest path of delivery
- Shortest time is another factor to consider
- more factors which finally helps in better utilisation of resources
Ask if it's now clear that DSA is the basic building block
How Problem Solving works?
Dicuss about the computer and decision making
How the computer doesn't have mind of its own
How every step needed to be told to computer based on several decisions
Example 1 : ATM Machine
Example 2 : Super Mario
Example 3 : Pubg Game
- Engage students by asking about the game
- Discuss what decision making happens while a person shoots in pubg
- How does energy/health reduction happens , what are different variables involved to make one decision
- Aim
- Distance
- Type of Gun
- Body Armor
"Observation" - The key to solve Problems
Discuss about Guass
Prime Numbers
What are prime Numbers
why 1 and 0 are not prime
Given a number check if it's prime or not - ask students for the solution
Approach 1 : Iterate from 1 -> N and check if it is divisble or not
Approach 2 : Sqaure root approach - traverse only till square root
Intution - factors always occurs in pairs - focus on presenting it as an observation
give proof by examples
Time analysis between O(N) and O(squareRoot(N))
- Considering one % (mod operation - ask if they know) takes 1 msec
N Approach 1 - N steps Approach 2 - sqaureRoot(N) steps 11 11 msec 3 msec 101 101 msec 10 msec 100000 16.6 min 1 sec 10^18 116 days 1.66 min
- Considering one % (mod operation - ask if they know) takes 1 msec
Ask them if they appreciate the improvement in timings - put more focus
Find sqaure root of a given Number
Explain the problem - have to find the integer part
Approach - 1 :
- iterate i from 1 to N and check if square of i is <= N
- if square <= N - it is current ans
- else stop the process - WHY? - Explain
Ask if the Approach 1 is fast enough to increase the curiosity
Approach - 2 :
- start by stating an observation
- pick some random element and check if it's square is <= or > than N
- based on previous checks decide to ignore one part - properly explain this with example
- now rather than picking random , pick middle element
- reason for picking middle element - it always removes atleast half of the prospect solution
Discuss the time Analysis
How Data Structures helps in Problem Solving?
Discuss how just the way of organising the data can optimise the solution
Give example of toothBrush , how toothbrush stored in kitchen would result in ineffeciency
Dictionary Word Search
- Discuss the process of searching a word in dictionary
- Relation with the sqaure root problem
- Name of the Algorithm - Binary Search
How are we able to apply the Binary Search
- Order matters (Main situation)
- Arrangement of Data Matters / Organisation of Data Matters
HC Verma Example - searching a word in HC verma
Why Binary search won't work
No particular organisation of data
Can sort all the words - But is it effecient ? NO!
Discuss Index / Appendix
How data is stored in a different way which improves efficency
word page nos. velocity 100 101 167 - Data Structure used - Inverted Index
- All search engines use this to optumise the search
- Importance of Observation
- Importance of Data structures and Algorithms
- Importance of 3 essential qualities
- Further work