2020-05-24 00:54:24 +05:30

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Do you know how the "auto-completion feature" provided by different software like IDEs, Search Engines, command-line interpreters, text editors, etc works?

enter image description here

The basic data structure behind all these scenes is Trie.

enter image description here

Spell checkers can also be designed using Trie.


String processing is widely used across real-world applications, for example data analytics, search engines, bioinformatics, plagiarism detection, etc.

Trie is a very useful and special kind of data structure for string processing.


Trie is a tree of nodes, where the specifications of a node can be given as below:

Each node has,

  1. An array of size of the alphabet(see the note below).
  2. A boolean variable.

Note: For an easy understanding purpose, we are assuming that all strings contain lowercase alphabet letters, i.e. alphabet_size is 26. We can convert characters to a number by using c-'a', c is a lowercase character.

We will see usages of these two variables soon.

struct trie_node 
    // Array of pointers of type 
    // trie_node
    vector<trie_node*> links;
    bool isEndofString;

    // Constructor
        links.assign(alphabet_size, nullptr);
        isEndofString = false;

enter image description here

Now, we have seen how a trie node looks like. Let's see how we are going to store strings in a trie using this kind of node.

How to insert a string in a trie?

Look at the image below, which represents a string "act" stored in a trie. Observe something!

enter image description here

Note: Empty places in the array have null values(nullptr in c++).

What did you observe?


  1. Other than the root node, each node in trie represents a single character.
  2. We set isEndofString to true in the node at which the string ends.

Therefore, now for the shake of ease we are going to represent the nodes of trie as below.

enter image description here

And therefore representation of trie containing string "act" will be as below.

enter image description here

Note: Root node will be shown empty, as it only represents an empty string, so to speak.

Now, observe the trie below, which contains two strings "act" and "ace".

enter image description here

Note that the node representing character c in the above trie, in a magnified sense would look as below:

enter image description here

What did you observe?

A common prefix of "ace" and "act" is "ac" and therefore we are having the same nodes until we traverse "ac" and then we create a new node for character e.

Therefore, we are not creating any new node until we need one and Trie is a very efficient data storage, when we have a large list of strings sharing common prefixes. It is also known as prefix tree.

Now, observe the trie below, which contains three strings "act", "ace" and "cat".

enter image description here

Let's see a proper algorithm to insert a string in a trie.

  1. Starting from the root, if there is already a node representing the corresponding character of a string, then simply traverse.
  2. Otherwise, create a new node representing the corresponding character.
  3. At the end of the string, set isEndofString to true in the last ending node.
void insert(trie_node* root, string s)
    trie_node* temp = root;
    int n = s.size();
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        if(temp->link[s[i]-'a'] == nullptr)
            temp->link[s[i]-'a'] = new trie_node();
        // Traverse using link
        temp = temp->link[s[i]-'a'];
    temp->isEndofString = true;

Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the string we are inserting.

Searching in Trie

Can you figure out, how can we check whether the given string is present in trie or not, from whatever we have discussed so far?

For example, if you are searching "aco" in the trie below, then how will you do?

enter image description here

Can you see, why isEndofString is needed?

Observe the trie given below and try to search whether "on" is present or not.

enter image description here

If you don't have isEndofString variable, then you will not be able to correctly check whether on is present or not. Because it is the prefix of once.


  1. Starting from the root, try to traverse the corresponding character of the string. If a link is present, then go ahead.
  2. Otherwise, simply given string is not present in the trie.
  3. If you are successfully able to traverse all corresponding characters of the string, then check whether the query string is present or not via isEndofString variable of the last node.
bool search(trie_node* root, string s)
    trie_node* temp = root;
    int n = s.size();
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        // There is not further link
        if(temp->link[s[i]-'a'] == nullptr)
            return false;
        temp = temp->link[s[i]-'a'];
    return temp->isEndofString;

Can you find recursive version of the above function?

Recursive version:

// @param: root -> root of the trie
// @param: s -> the string we are deleting
// @param: i -> index of s currently reached via recursive traversal
bool Rec_search(trie_node* root, string& s, int i = 0)
    // No link present
    // so string is not present
    if(root == nullptr)
        return false;
    if(i == s.size()) {
        // present
            return true;
            return false;
    // Recusively traverse using links
    return Rec_search(root->link[s[i]-'a'], s, i+1);

Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the string we are searching for.


How will you delete "ace" from the trie below?

enter image description here

Things to take care about while you are deleting a string from the trie,

  1. It should not affect any other string present in the trie.
  2. Therefore, we are only going to delete the nodes which are present only due to the presence of the given string. And no other string is passing through them.

We are going to use a recursive procedure. If the string is not present, then we will return false and true otherwise. Recursive procedure for delete is a modified version of the recursive search procedure and therefore make sure you understand that.

Can you figure it out on your own?


  1. We are traversing the trie recursively, the same way as in Rec_search() procedure.
  2. While traversing, if we find that no link is present(root == nullptr) for the current character, then the string is not present in the trie and return false.
  3. If we are successfully able to traverse the whole string until i==s.size(), then finally check isEndofString of the last node. If the string is present(isEndofString = true), then set it to false and return true. Otherwise, return false-not present.
  4. Now, while backtracking stage of the recursion, delete nodes if it is no longer needed after deletion of the given string.

Now, go through the code below with very intuitive comments.

// Checks whether any link is present
bool isEmptyNode(trie_node* node)
    for(auto i:node->link)
        if(i != nullptr)
            return false;
    return true;

// Returns true if the string is successfully deleted
// And if the string is not present in the trie then returns false.
bool deleteString(trie_node* root, string& s, int i = 0)
    if(root == nullptr)
        return false;
    if(i == s.size()) {
	    // present
        if(root->isEndofString) {
            // delete it
            root->isEndofString = false;
            return true;
            return false;
    bool ans = deleteString(root->link[s[i]-'a'], s, i+1);
    // String is present
    if(ans) {
        // Check whether any other string
        // passes through this link node
        // If not passing, then delete it
        if(isEmptyNode(root->link[s[i]-'a'])) {

            // Deallocate used memory
            delete root->link[s[i]-'a'];
            root->link[s[i]-'a'] = nullptr;
        return true;
    // Not present the return false
    return false;

Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the string we are deleting.

Trie as an array

The availability of dynamic arrays allows us to create Trie without using pointers.

Now, we are going to store trie as a dynamic array of TrieNodes. In this implementation, we are going to use an array of integers instead of pointers in TrieNode and as a link, we are going to store the index of a node rather than the address of a node in the former case.

enter image description here

See the below implementation of trie as an array, which is quite similar and intuitive as the previous implementation.

struct TrieNode
    vector<int> id_link;
    bool isEndofString;
    TrieNode(bool end = false)
        end = isEndofString;

void insert(vector<TrieNode>& trie, string s)
    int temp = 0;
    int n = s.size();
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if(trie[temp].id_link[s[i]-'a'] == -1) {
            trie[temp].id_link[s[i]-'a'] = (int)trie.size();
        temp = trie[temp].id_link[s[i]-'a'];
    trie[temp].isEndofString = true;

bool search(vector<TrieNode>& trie, string s)
    int temp = 0;
    int n = s.size();
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if(trie[temp].id_link[s[i]-'a'] == -1)
            return false;
        temp = trie[temp].id_link[s[i]-'a'];
    return trie[temp].isEndofString;

But it has a downside that you can not generally delete strings present in the trie. Why?

Try deleting a single node(other than last one), you will realize that indexes of each subsequent node will change, and also deleting in an array has a very bad performance.

It is an easy implementation, but with a single downside. Therefore, use as per the requirement.

Count the total number of words present in a Trie

How will you find the number of words(strings) present in the trie below?

enter image description here

Ultimately, It means to find the total number of nodes having true value of isEndofString. Which can be easily done using recursive traversal of all the nodes present in the trie.

The basic idea of the recursive procedure is as follow:

Start from the \text{root} node and go through all 26 positions of the link array. For each not-null link, recursively call countWords() considering that linked node as a \text{root}. And therefore formula will be as below:

\text{TotalWords} = \text{TotalWords} + \text{countWords}(link_i), do it for all not-null links.

Finally, add 1 to \text{TotalWords} if the current node has isEndofString = true.

int countWords(trie_node* root)
    int total = 0;
    if(root == nullptr)
        return 0;
    for(auto i:root->link)
        if(i != nullptr)
            total += countWords(i);
    total += root->isEndofString;
    return total;

Time complexity: O(\text{Number of nodes present in the trie}), as we are visiting each and every node.
Space complexity: O(1)

Print all words stored in Trie

It is similar to finding the total number of words but instead of adding 1 for each isEndofString's true value, we are going to store the word representing that particular end.

The code is similar to finding the total number of words.

void printAllWords(trie_node* root, vector<string>& ans, string s="")
    if(root == nullptr)
    for(int i = 0; i < alphabet_size; i++) {
        if(root->link[i] != nullptr) {
            char c = 'a' + i;
            string temp = s;
            temp += c;
            printAllWords(root->link[i], ans, temp);

Time complexity: O(\text{Number of nodes present in the trie}), as we are visiting each and every node.
Space Complexity: O(\text{Total length of all words present in the trie})

Auto-suggestion features

How will you design the autocompletion feature using Trie?

For example, we have stored C++ keywords in a trie. Now, when you type "n" it should show all keywords starting from "n". For simplicity, only keywords starting from "n" are shown in the trie below,

enter image description here

How will you print all keywords starting from "n"? OR how will you print all keywords having "n" as a prefix?

Simply use printAllWords() on node n, and the problem is solved!

A common procedure is as below:

  1. Traverse nodes in trie according to the given uncomplete string s. If we are successfully able to traverse s, then there are keywords having a prefix of s. Otherwise, there will be nothing to suggest.

  2. Now, use printAllWords() considering the last node(after traversal of trie according to s) as a root.

void autocomplete(trie_node* root, string s)
    int n = s.size();
    trie_node* temp = root;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if(temp->link[s[i]-'a'] == nullptr)
        temp = temp->link[s[i]-'a'];
    vector<string> suggest;
    printWords(temp, suggest, s);
    for(auto i:suggest)
        cout << i << endl;
    printWords(temp, suggest);
    for(auto i:suggest)
        cout << s << i << endl;

Time complexity: O(\text{Length of S + Total length of all suggestions excluding common prefix(S) from all}), where s is the string you want suggestions for.
Space complexity: O(\text{Total length of all possible suggestions})

It is a widely used feature, as discussed at the start of the article.

There is also something called "Ternary Search Tree". When each node in the trie has most of its links used(having many similar prefix words), a trie is substantially more space-efficient and time-efficient than the ternary search tree.

But, If each node stores a few links, then the ternary search tree is much more space-efficient, because we are using 26 pointers in each node of trie and many of them may be unused.

Therefore, use as per the requirements.

Dictionary using Trie

What are the common features of an English dictionary?

  1. Efficient Lookup of words
  2. As the dictionary is very large, Lesser memory usages

Hashtable can be used to implement a dictionary. After precomputation of hash for each word in O(M), where M is the total length of all words in the dictionary, we can have efficient lookups if we design a very efficient hashtable.

But as the dictionary is very large there will be collisions between two or more words. Still, you can design a hash table to have efficient look-ups.

But space usages is very high, as we simply store each word. But what if we design it using a trie?

As in a dictionary we have many common-prefix words, trie will save a substantial amount of memory consumption. Trie supports look-up in O(\text{word length}), which is higher than a very efficient hash table.

Other advantages of the trie are as below:

  1. Auto-complete feature
  2. It also supports ordered traversal of words with given prefix
  3. No need for complex hash functions

So, if you want some of the above features then using trie is good for you. Also, we don't have to deal with collisions.

Note that in the dictionary along with a word, we have explanations or meanings of that word. That can be handled by separately maintaining an array that stores all those extra stuff. Then store one integer in the TrieNode structure to store the index of the corresponding data in the array.

struct trie_node 
    // Array of pointers of type 
    // trie_node
    vector<trie_node*> links;
    bool isEndofString;
    // To store id of data
    int idOfData;

The below image shows a typical trie structure for the dictionary.

enter image description here