Lecture_Notes/imperfect_notes/pragy/intro week - Arrays and Maths.md
2020-03-19 12:51:33 +05:30

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Intro Week - 2 - Arrays and Math


  • Explain that we're just giving a trailer for the first week. Will dive into much more detail later on. HLD tomorrow, LLD day after, special talk on Friday/Saturday.
  • will cover DS/Algo, advanced problems, advanced topics like Segment Trees, lazy propagation, Fenwick Trees, Bitmask DP, Network Flow (Mincut-Maxflow)


  • We're assuming that you know what arrays are, basic loops, if else
  • Anyone who doesn't understand arrays?
  • Array is a collection of homogeneous data

C++ Vector vs Array

  • how do arrays work?
    • allocate space of fixed size
  • how are vectors different?
    • Vectors are dynamic. Arrays are not
  • How are vectors allocated?
    • when space is full, how do we push_back?
      • double the space
      • Copy the current elements
      • Free previous array
    • what is the time complexity of inserting elements?
      • Time complexity - worst case - O(n)
      • Amortized - O(1)
    • Explain what "amortized" means
    • Actually have growth factor - 1.7, and not 2 to scale the array by
    • Overall, not a big overhead

Passing arrays by value / reference

int run() {
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    vector<int> v;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int temp;
        cin >> temp;
    return find_middle(v);

int find_middle(vector<int> v) {
    return v[v.size() / 2];


  • Time complexity overall? O(n)
  • For find_middle? O(n)
    • Note that here the passing is by value - the entire array is being copied
    • No changes will reflect if we make changes in the function

So, if you use pass by reference

int find_middle(vector<int> & v) {
  • now it is being passed by reference
  • Java has objects. Objects are passed. So, by reference. O(1), and mutable
  • important because
    • passing by value can slow down the code
    • passing by reference can cause side effects

Absolute Values

A: 1 5 13 8 can have -ves Find i, j so that i != j and \Bigl | A[i] - A[j] \Bigr | + \Bigl | i - j \Bigr | is maximized

def abs(x):
    if x < 0: return -x
    else: return x
  1. Ask clarifying questions
    • can we have -ve elements?
    • What happens when the array has size 1?
      • return -1
  2. Think of the brute force appraoch
  3. Optimize

Brute Force

O(n^2) - all combinations of i, j Get max


Expand the expression if you don't see any patterns Expand the abs()

  • enforce i > j

  • Two cases:

    • A[i] > A[j]
      • = (A[i] + i) - (A[j] + j)
    • A[i] < A[j]
      • = (A[j] - j) - (A[i] - i)
  • So, calculate (A[i] + i) as X and A([i] - i) as Y

  • Find maxX, minX, maxY, minY

  • return max((maxX-minX), (maxY-minY))

  • How does this take care of i = j case?

    • i = j gives answer of 0
    • we know that since |i-j| > 0 for some (i, j), no matter what |A[i] - A[j]| is, our answer will at least be greater than 0

Trapping Rain

Buildings Rain from top. Find the area of the rain trapped.



Look at a building. Amount of water that I can store is the min height of the tallest building on left and right


  • how can we calculate max and min efficiently?
    • Prefix and suffix max
prefix_max[0] = A[0];
for(int i = 1; i < N; i++)
    prefix_max[i] = max(prefix_max[i-1], A[i]);

suffix_max[N-1] = A[N-1];
for(int i = N-2; i >= 0; i--)
    suffix_max[i] = max(suffix_max[i-1], A[i]);

Now, for every element i, look at the prefix_max[i-1] and suffix_max[i+1] and take min-height

Max Gap

A = 2 5 13 8 7 6 unsorted array, duplicates possible if A as sorted, then find max(A[i+1] - A[i]) don't sort, use linear space

Make sure that everyone knows what sorting is

Approach: What is the max possible difference? max - min (min min min max max max) What is the min possible difference? (max-min) / (N-1) (min min+d min+2d .. max)

Now, create buckets with the size of gap

gap = (max - min) / (N-1)

Create buckets of size of gap 7495d1f7.png

  • can the two elements from the same bucket have the max-gap? No, because bucket size = min gap possible
  • so, elements from different buckets must give us the answer
  • all buckets have 1 exactly element - answer is gap
  • Otherwise, atleast 1 bucket will be empty - answer is more than gap

20 8 15 12 min = 8 max = 20

max_gap = 20 - 8 = 12 min_gap = (20 - 8) / (4-1) = 4

now, create buckets of size 4 from min and max

comunicate with each other

ping the TA on flock

ping us

TA session tomorrow

1st week - just introductory stuff recording of this video will be up share notes