2020-03-19 12:51:33 +05:30

5.2 KiB


  • some have still not submitted the BookMyShow diagram
  • So postpone it to next class
  • For now, BookMyShow

Hotel Management System

  • support booking different room types
    • suite
    • king size
    • delux
    • Entities:
      • booking
      • room
    • Relations:
      • booking-room
      • room-subclass
  • search and book rooms for a guest
    • Entities:
      • search interface
      • guest
    • who else can use search? We can not only book rooms online. People also visit the frontdesk and book rooms
    • Relationships
      • guest uses search interface
      • Receptionist
  • Who booked a particular room, say 1004
    • Relation:
      • room booking has multiple guests
      • one guest can only bok one room
  • cancel a booking
    • behavior. no new entity / relation here
  • track housekeeping tasks
    • Entities:
      • housekeeing task
      • housekeeper
    • Relation:
      • housekeeper can perform * tasks
  • customer can ask for room service
    • room service is different from house keeping
    • don't have to pay for housekeeping
    • have to pay for roomservice
    • order food/drinks in roomservice
    • Entities:
      • room service
  • payment should be supported through various modes
    • card
    • cash

How should we start?

  • from building
  • from brand
class HotelBranch:
    name: str
    def get_number_of_centers():
    def add_location():
class HotelCenter: # actual physical building
    location: Address
    name: str
    def get_rooms():

HotelBrand 1 <>----- * HotelBranch

class Room:
    room_number: str
    room_type: str  # or subclass
    price: float
    is_booked: bool
    def check_in():
    def check_out():

HotelCenter 1 <>----- * Room

How will you get into your room? Do you need something? Each room can have multiple keys, right?

class RoomKey:
    id: str
    barcode: str
    issued_at_date: Date
    is_active: bool

Room 1 <>----- * Key


  • guest
  • receptionist
  • housekeeper
  • manager
class Person:
    name: str
    phone_number: str
    email_id: str

class Guest(Person):
    def create_booking():

class Receptionist(Person):
    def create_booking():
class Housekeeper(Person): # or servant. Or differnt subclasses of servant - cleaner / food server / masseur
    def add_service_charge(): # for services they offer
    # no def create_booking()

Person <--- ext --- Guest Person <--- ext --- Receptionist Person <--- ext --- Housekeeper

How do you track / manage these people? Account

class Account:
    name: str
    email: str
    password: str

Person 1 <>------ 1 Account

How do you track of your sales? Booking

What is it that you book? Brand/Hotel/Room? Room

class Booking:
    booking_number: str
    start_time: DateTime
    end_time: DateTime
    status: successfull / failed
    def modify():
    def cancel():

Can there be multiple bookings for a particular room?

  • Yes, for different times. All bookings can exist simultaneously

Room 1 ---- * Booking

  • Composition or Association?
  • If room goes bad - leaking / haunted / something not working
  • Would you cancel my booking? No - reassign to a room of the same type
  • Association Room ---> Booking

Booking * ------> 1 Guest

Does not need to be composition, because room can be booked for a friend. Could be though depending on the case

What does a housekeeper do?

  • various housekeeping tasks
class HouseKeepingTask:  # or record
    description: str
    start_time: DateTime
    duration: Time 

HouseKeeper 1 -----> * HouseKeepingTask

Not a composition

HouseKeepingTask * <------ Room Same room could have multiple tasks that were/need to be done

What if room is destroyed? Should destroy previous tasks?

  • no
  • but what about foriegn keys?
  • keep a note in room saying invalid or something
  • depends on requirements
  • We will discuss DB schema design later in LLD

RoomService (not the same as housekeeping)

class FoodService:
class MassageService:

HouseKeeper 1 ------- * Service

Now, each service will need some payment. Invoice

class InvoiceItem:
    amount: float
    time: DateTime

InvoiceItem 1 ------- 1 Service Each instance of service associated with each instance of invoiceitem Or we could make Service objects static Then, Invoice * ------ 1 Service

InvoiceItem * ------ RoomBooking Same room can request multiple services

All invoiceitems associated with an invoice

class Invoice:

Do you always charge money all the time? No. at the end RoomBooking 1 -------> 1 Invoice

InvoiceItem * ------<> 1 Invoice


<<interface>> Search:

have catalogues of rooms and mapping that we need Who can use this? Receptionist

Why is search an interface? Because search can be done on various things - users, rooms, tasks .. So, the common functionality of search is an interface. Then there are several modules that implement that interface

going forward, we will look at DB schema design for things like this