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Factory Pattern
Trying to validate address
class Address { String country, state, city, []addressLines, zip; }
Algorithm for validating address will differ from country to country.
Different countries have different breakups.
Some countries don't have states
Japan has provinces
Some European countries have counties
Meaning of state could be different
Could have different ways of writing the addresses
US addresses are more structured
Indian addresses have lots of different ways - c/o xyz
Chinese people write addresses in Chinese
So, different classes for each country
public class INValidator { public bool validate(Address a) {} } public class USValidator { public bool validate(Address a) {} }
Now, let's say that I ship these validators as a library Some client wants to use these validators to validate a random address
public class ClientValidator { public bool validate(Address a) { if(a.country == 'India') return new INValidator().validate(a); else if(a.country == 'USA') return new USValidator().validate(a); ... } }
Is this good?
- client needs to know the name of the class for each country
- difficult to test
- unknown country - Indonesia. Does a class exist for it?
- IN stands for India or Indonesia?
- could lead to correct addresses being invalidated or wrong addresses be accepted
Pull into interface
- all these classes are multiple forms of the same thing
- interface
, which asks to implement methodvaldiate
- coding your classes against an interface
Runtime polymorphism:
Validator v = new INValidator();
Who should worry about the mapping from country name to Validator?
- client should not
- I should
- Keep a map
Need to create a class whose responsibility is to keep this mapping
class X { // why private? don't allow client to change this private static Map<String, Validator> validators; public X() { validators.put("USA", USValidator); validators.put("USA", INValidator); } public Validator getValidator(String country) { // return validators.get(country); - bad // could lead to null pointer exception if(validators.has(country)) return validators.get(country); throw new InvalidCountryException(); } }
Too many objects being created in the constructor. Will be used many times. Use Singleton Pattern.
- make constructor private
- create an instance variable
- expose a getinstance function
Client code
public class ClientValidator { public bool validate(Address a) { return X.getInstance( .getValidator(a.country) .validate(a); } }
Client just knows about the interface Validator, and that there's a factory which gives you different implementations of the Validators.
Factory Design Pattern
Rename X to ValidatorFactory
Remember that factories should usually be singleton
Notice that we use a pattern that we've already used
Usecases -
- don't use this in any language
- Python has dispathcing libraries
- Strategy pattern
- Don't abstract too much
- unless you're a library author
- Interviewer asks you to implement Stackoverflow
- First step? Start coding?
- Use Cases
- Anyone can search and view questions
- Question, answers, comments
- Guest can only search. To add/vote you need to be a member
- Each question can have an active bounty
- Text can contain photos
- User can earn badges
- Admin can blcok users
- Moderator can close questions
- Identify entities - will become classes
- Identify attributes and behavior
- Identify relationships
class Question: status: Enum title: str description: str votes: int def close(): pass class Comment: content: stre votes: int class Answer: content: str votes: int accepted: bool
class Bounty: prize: int expiry: DateTime def claim(): pass class Photo: alt_text: str url: str
- Note where we have composition or not

class Member: age: int sex: str def create_question(): pass class Moderator(Member): def close_question(): pass class Admin(Member): def block_member(): pass
- Direction of arrows. Member -> Question = Member has instance of Question
- Composition vs Association
class Account: password: str creation_date: DateTime def delete_account(): pass
- Badge
- badges are static
- same badge, multiple people can own
- same person can own multiple badges
- not composition, because deleting either doesn't delete the other
class Badge: text: str
- Search interface
- Guest account - doesn't extend member
- Guest uses search
Movie Ticket Booking
- bookmyticket
- list all the centers of halls - PVR (brand), etc
- each cinema center can have multiple halls / audis
- movie vs movie show (cost, etc)
- hall can run some movie at some time
- each movie can have multiple shows
- search by title, language
- show seating arrangement
- show list of reserved and available seats
- difference b/w the physical chair vs a seat
- pay via cash/card
- no two customers should have the same seat
- discount coupons