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- What is CSS
- Need for CSS
- CSS Selectors
- Properties of CSS (color, background, fonts, and texts)
So, lets start!
Various ways of using CSS They are:
- Inline
- Internal
- External
These are the things that we will discuss. Now, let us see them one by one.
- Create a basic HTML file and add a heading h1 inside the body tag entitled: "Heading 1" and open it in a browser to show how it looks.
- Now, let us see how to add CSS to this element.
Steps to add style tag:
- Add
tag inside the head tag of your HTML file. Inside this style tag, you can use all the CSS stylings. - Select the element that you need to add CSS.
- For example, h1 and add curly braces to it. Inside this, you can define the CSS properties as shown below:
color : brown;
# Using CSS in three different ways:
## 1. Internal CSS
- When you write CSS in the same HTML file. (using the style tag)
## 2. Inline CSS
- It is writing CSS for a particular element. (using style attribute.)
### Example
I am heading 2
``` - Here we are providing the CSS to that specific element "h2" only, known as Inline CSS. Always try to add a style tag inside the **head tag**. - Inline CSS has more priority than Internal CSS.3. External CSS
- You can create a separate file for CSS having the extension ".css".
- Here you do not need to use any HTML tag. You can directly write your CSS and properties.
color: green;
To reflect these CSS into your HTML file, you need to link that CSS file to the HTML file.
- Use the "link" tag to do this as shown below.
<link rel="CSS_file_name" href="./CSS_file_name.css">
- You can add the file location in the href to add the CSS file if it is at some other location in your system.
These are the three ways that can be used to apply CSS to your HTML file. Now we will discuss the ways of selecting a particular element.
- As we have seen in the previous example, h1{} was the selector. But there are more ways of selecting elements.
- Have a brief discussion about how the students can select an element as the previous method that we learned till now.
Descendent selectors
- Anything down the order can be termed as a descendent. For example, a father is the descendent of their child.
- Now, you need to select the obvious list as shown in the image and make it blue color.
For that first discuss the "descent selector".
When you select ol li{} as the selector then all the elements will get blue. So you need to select the specific parents that are "div" as shown in the example.
We will write the selector as:
div li{
color: blue;
Now moving to Children Selectors.
Children selectors
Let us take an example as shown below.
There are two span tags. Here we need to make the text "I am the direct son" blue using CSS.
- Use the greater than ">" symbol to use direct children.
div > h1 > span{
color: blue;
- It means that you are directing to apply CSS to the span element that is directly children to the h1.
Let's see another type of selector which is the Classes
- It is a very important part when you are learning CSS.
- Classes are defined as separate entities of similar elements.
- For real real-life example, if you are in class 10, then all the students there should be in class 10 only.
- Similarly, in CSS, similar elements having the same behavior are separated in a specific class as shown below code:
- We use dot (.) to select a class and apply CSS to them. Here the name of the class is test so we will apply CSS to this class as below:
color: blue;
This will be applied to both the elements of the class namely the test.
Discuss a question having two different classes namely class1 and class2 and apply CSS on them to make one class blue and one class red.
- Solution:
color: blue;
color: red;
Question on multiple classes
Suppose a situation when there are two or more than two classes for a single element as shown below and you have to make some specific elements blue.
- Here we need to select multiple classes m1 and m2 and make them blue.
- Solution:
.m1.m2{ <!-- it is multiple selector -->
color : blue;
Here you will use multiple classes as shown in the example to apply the CSS to some specific elements in such cases.
Question on a combination of all the previously discussed selectors.
You have to make the text "I'm here, find me" blue as shown in the question image below. Feel free to use any selector or combination of selectors you want.
- Solution:
.c1 .c2{
color: blue;
Question on Class with Children Combinator
In this question you need to make the select and make the text "I'm a direct son" blue.
- Solution:
color: blue;
Question on id selector
The id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element.
The id of an element is unique within a page, so the id selector is used to select one unique element.
We use "#" to address the id.
You need to select s2 with the "id=the-one" and make blue
color: blue;
Question on attribute selector
- CSS attribute selectors are used to select and style HTML elements with the specified attributes and values.
- Let us take an example as shown below. Here we need to select the button element and make the color blue.
- Solution:
input[value="Select me"]{
color: blue;
Here you can write the element like "input" and start the bracket "[]". Inside the bracket, you can write the attribute that you are selecting to apply CSS.
- That's how the attribute selector works.
1. Normal Color
- The very basic way of using colors is as follows as we have discussed earlier that is
h1{color: color_name;}
- Using this method you can use the 140 colors of CSS. But what do you need to use a color apart from these 140 colors?
2. RGB
- Then we use the RGB value to change the element colors.
- RGB is the color concept that shows how you can create any color using a definite proportion of these three colors that are Red, Green, and Blue. The range of RGB values is from (000 to 255).
Let us take an example how to use RGB values for CSS.
- You can also add opacity property where you pass the RGB values.
- Range of opacity is from (0.00 to 1.00)
- For example-
color : rgba(255, 165, 100, 0.50);
3. Color code (Hexadecimal code)
Color codes are three-byte hexadecimal numbers (meaning they consist of six digits), with each byte, or pair of characters in the Hex code, representing the intensity of red, green, and blue in the color respectively.
We have hex code for every color in CSS.
You can find these codes on Google search also.
You can use these hex codes to paste into your CSS thing.
Remember to apply hashtag "#" before the codes. For example- #DC143C
Now, let us see the 4th method of CSS Colors.
4. HSC
- It stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness.
color : hsl(100%, 15%, 25%)
- In this, we define these three properties in percentage.
Final Question of the session
Now, let us summarize the session and use all the previous selectors and color properties to solve this problem shown below:
- Solution: First, we will add a style tag and then write all the CSS provided in the question like this:
Coming to the point 6 of the question. Let us first see what is pseudo selector.
Pseudo selector
- When you hover over any element and it changes its behavior, it is known as a Pseudo selector.
- For example, if you go on a sign-in button it becomes popped up.
color : hsla(100%, 15%, 25%, 0.6)