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# IMDB Clone React Website
## Project Description
We will be creating an IMDB clone, where we will fetch Real-time trending movies data and will show it in grid format, we will be designing the whole application by using Tailwind CSS.
## Features of the project
The following will be the features of our IMDB clone:
- The user will be able to view all the latest & trneding movies (IMDB API)
- User can create his own separate watchlist
- User can filter movies according to genre
- User can sort movies according to ratings
- Pagination will be implemented to move from one page to another to get updated data of other movies
- Search feature will be there for movies.
- We will be deploying this to netlify
## Wireframe

## Implementation
> **Note**: This lecture is in continuation to *'Full Stack LLD & Projects: React-4: IMDB Project- Part 1'*, please refer that lecture before hopping onto this one.
In this lecture we will be implementing the following features:
- Briefing Client side Routing and React Router
- Watchlist Component
- Pagination
### Component
- **WatchList.jsx**
- This JavaScript file defines the `WatchList` component, which represents the user's watchlist section in the IMDb web application. Users can view and manage the list of movies they have added to their watchlist.
- The component function takes several props:
- `watchList`: An array containing the user's watchlist of movies.
- `handleRemoveFromWatchList`: A function to handle the removal of movies from the watchlist.
- `setWatchList`: A function to update the watchlist state.
- The component also uses local state variables to manage filtering and searching of watchlist movies. These state variables include `genreList`, `currGenre`, and `search`.
- Inside the component, there are several functions and effects that manage various aspects of the watchlist:
- `hanldeFilter(genre)`: Updates the current genre filter when a genre is clicked.
- `handleSearch(e)`: Updates the search query when the user types in the search input.
- `sortIncreasing()`: Sorts the watchlist in increasing order of movie ratings.
- `sortDecreasing()`: Sorts the watchlist in decreasing order of movie ratings.
- The `useEffect` hook is used to populate the `genreList` state with unique genres based on the movies in the watchlist. It ensures that the genre filter options are updated whenever the watchlist changes.
- The component's `return` statement defines the structure of the WatchList component:
- Genre filter buttons are displayed at the top. Users can click on these buttons to filter the watchlist by genre.
- A search input field allows users to search for movies in the watchlist based on their titles.
- A table displays the watchlist movies, including columns for movie name, ratings, popularity, genre, and a delete option.
- The table rows are generated based on the current genre filter and search query.
- The ratings column headers allow users to sort the watchlist in ascending or descending order based on movie ratings.
- The delete option in each row allows users to remove a movie from their watchlist.
- The `WatchList` component provides essential functionality for users to manage and view their watchlist, making it a valuable feature of the IMDb web application.
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import genreids from "../Utility/genre";
function WatchList(props){
let {watchList,handleRemoveFromWatchList,setWatchList} = props;
let [genreList,setGenreList] = useState(["All Genres"]);
let [currGenre,setCurrGenre] = useState("All Genres");
let [search,setSearch] = useState("");
let hanldeFilter = (genre)=>{
let handleSearch = (e)=>{
let sortIncreasing = ()=>{
let sorted = watchList.sort((movieA,movieB)=>{
return movieA.vote_average-movieB.vote_average
let sortDecreasing = ()=>{
let sorted = watchList.sort((movieA,movieB)=>{
return movieB.vote_average-movieA.vote_average
let temp = watchList.map((movieObj)=>{
return genreids[movieObj.genre_ids[0]];
temp = new Set(temp);
setGenreList(["All Genres",...temp]);
<div className="flex justify-center flex-wrap m-4">
return <div key={genre} onClick={()=>hanldeFilter(genre)} className={
currGenre == genre?"hover:cursor-pointer flex justify-center items-center w-[9rem] h-[3rem] rounded-xl bg-blue-400 m-4 text-white font-bold "
:"hover:cursor-pointer flex justify-center items-center w-[9rem] h-[3rem] rounded-xl bg-gray-400/50 m-4 text-white font-bold "}>{genre}</div>
<div className="flex justify-center my-4">
<input onChange={handleSearch} value={search} className="h-[3rem] w-[18rem]
border-none outline-none bg-gray-200
px-4 text-lg " type="text" placeholder="Search for Movies" />
<div className="overflow-hidden rounded-lg shadow-md border border-gray-200 m-8">
<table className="w-full text-gray-500 text-center ">
<thead className="bg-gray-50 text-gray-900 border-b-2">
<th className="flex">
<div onClick={sortIncreasing} className="p-2"><i className="fa-solid fa-arrow-up"></i></div>
<div className="p-2">Ratings</div>
<div onClick={sortDecreasing} className="p-2"><i className="fa-solid fa-arrow-down"></i></div>
<tbody className="text-gray-700">
if(currGenre == "All Genres"){
return true;
return genreids[obj.genre_ids[0]] == currGenre;
return movieObj.title.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLocaleLowerCase());
return <tr className="border-b-2">
<td className="flex items-center px-6 py-4">
<img className="h-[6rem] w-[10rem]" src={`https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/${movieObj.poster_path}`} alt="" />
<div className="mx-4 ">{movieObj.title}</div>
<td onClick={()=>handleRemoveFromWatchList(movieObj)} className=" text-red-600">Delete</td>
export default WatchList;
- **Pagination.jsx**:
- This JavaScript file defines the `Pagination` component, which is responsible for rendering pagination controls for navigating between pages of trending movies on the IMDb web application.
- The component function takes three props as arguments:
- `pageNo`: The current page number, indicating the page of trending movies being displayed.
- `handleNext`: A function to handle the next page button click event.
- `handlePrev`: A function to handle the previous page button click event.
- The component renders the following elements:
- A `div` element with a set of CSS classes to style the pagination container. It is flex-based, horizontally centered, and has a background color of gray (#808080). This container holds the pagination controls.
- Inside this container, there are three `div` elements representing the pagination controls:
1. The first `div` contains a left arrow icon, which is likely a visual cue for users to go to the previous page of trending movies. It has padding (`px-8`) for spacing and a hover effect that changes the cursor to a pointer when hovered over. The `onClick` event handler is set to `handlePrev`, indicating that clicking this element will trigger the `handlePrev` function.
2. The second `div` displays the current page number (`pageNo`). It is styled with a bold font weight for emphasis.
3. The third `div` contains a right arrow icon, which serves as a control for users to navigate to the next page of trending movies. Similar to the left arrow, it has padding, a hover effect, and an `onClick` event handler set to `handleNext`.
- The `Pagination` component provides a simple and intuitive way for users to move between pages of trending movies. It enhances the user experience by allowing them to explore a variety of movie options conveniently.
export default function Pagination({pageNo,handleNext,handlePrev}){
<div className="flex justify-center p-4 mt-8 items-center bg-gray-400">
<div onClick={handlePrev} className="px-8 hover:cursor-pointer "><i className="fa-solid fa-arrow-left"></i></div>
<div className="px-8 font-bold hover:cursor-pointer">{pageNo}</div>
<div onClick={handleNext} className="px-8 hover:cursor-pointer"><i className="fa-solid fa-arrow-right"></i></div>