# Questions 1. Joe Bloggs wants to create a website which returns the factorial of a number given by the user. Should Joe store this result in a database? >A. Yes B. No --- 2. The website is a hit. Now Joe wants to show user their past results. So he has the store the values in a database. Which of the following should not be in the database? >A. User details B. Input and Output (number and factorial) C. User's Amazon orders --- 3. Joe Bloggs decides to use a MySql database. But he puts all his data in the database. Which of the following can he store as file? >A. User details B. Input and Output (number and factorial) C. AWS credentials D. Passwords --- 4. Joe Bloggs want to uniquely identify whenever a user ran a calculation. What feature of a database can he use to achieve that? >A. Primary key B. Foreign key C. Tuple D. Index --- # Answers 1. A. `Yes` 2. C `User's Amazon orders` 3. C `AWS credentials` 4. A `Primary key`