## Agenda We will try to cover most of these topics in today's sessions and the remaining in the next. * Build the shows components * Build the seating arrangements * Book tickets * Make Payments * Deploy It is going to be a bit challenging, advanced, but very interesting session covering topics that are asked very frequently in interviews. So let's start. ## Build the Home Page As till now we have completed the home page, where all the movies and upcoming movies are shown as below: ![](https://d2beiqkhq929f0.cloudfront.net/public_assets/assets/000/051/446/original/upload_2f04c7d551fcc86af920399ec3c6ad5b.png?1695995692) As we click on the movies then the related information about the movies theaters and the shows timings should be visible in the below blank region. ![](https://d2beiqkhq929f0.cloudfront.net/public_assets/assets/000/051/447/original/upload_5e3b842eca1765968a94ee60bebe0355.png?1695995733) ## Shows Now we will be implementing those related functionalities as follows: If we get this below data in the theaterforMovie then we can show the related shows and the timings and all. ```javascript import { message } from "antd"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import {useNavigate, useParams} from "react-router-dom" import { GetMovieById } from "../apicalls/movies"; import { useDispatch } from "react-redux"; import { HideLoading, ShowLoading } from "../redux/loadersSlice"; import {GetTheatresByMovie} from "../apicalls/theatres" import moment from "moment"; export default function TheatreForMovie(){ let [movie,setMovie] = useState() let [theatres,setTheatres] = useState(); let [date,setDate] = useState(moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD")); const [isHovering, setIsHovering] = useState(false); const params = useParams(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const navigate = useNavigate(); const getData = async() => { try{ dispatch(ShowLoading()); const response = await GetMovieById(params.id) if(response.success){ setMovie(response.data); message.success(response.message) }else{ message.error(response.message); } dispatch(HideLoading()); }catch(err){ dispatch(HideLoading()); message.error(err.message) } } const getTheatres = async () => { try{ dispatch(ShowLoading()); const response = await GetTheatresByMovie({date,movie:params.id}) console.log(response.data); if(response.success){ setTheatres(response.data); message.success(response.message) }else{ message.error(response.message); } dispatch(HideLoading()); }catch(err){ dispatch(HideLoading()); message.error(err.message); } } const handleMouseEnter = (id) => { setIsHovering(true); }; const handleMouseLeave = (id) => { setIsHovering(false); }; useEffect(() => { getData(); },[]) useEffect(() => { getTheatres() },[date]) return ( movie && (
{/* movie information */}

{movie.title} ({movie.language})

Duration : {movie.duration} mins

Release Date : {moment(movie.releaseDate).format("MMM Do yyyy")}

Genre : {movie.genre}

Select Date

{ setDate(e.target.value); navigate(`/movie/${params.id}?date=${e.target.value}`); }} />

{/* movie theatres */}


{theatres.map((theatre) => (


Address : {theatre.address}

{theatre.shows .sort( (a, b) => moment(a.time, "HH:mm") - moment(b.time, "HH:mm") ) .map((show) => (
{ navigate(`/book-show/${show._id}`); }} >

{moment(show.time, "HH:mm").format("hh:mm A")}

) ); } ``` The code is a React component named `TheatreForMovie` that is responsible for displaying information about a movie and its associated theaters. It utilizes various React hooks and asynchronous API calls. Here's a breakdown of its functionality: 1. **State Management**: - The component uses `useState` to manage state variables for `movie`, `theatres`, and `date`. - It also manages the `isHovering` state to handle mouse hover events. 2. **Initialization**: - The component extracts route parameters using `useParams()` and obtains a navigation function using `useNavigate()`. - It also obtains a Redux dispatch function using `useDispatch()`. 3. **Data Retrieval**: - Two asynchronous functions, `getData()` and `getTheatres()`, are defined to fetch movie details and theater information, respectively. - These functions use API calls (e.g., `GetMovieById` and `GetTheatresByMovie`) to retrieve data. - Loading states are managed using Redux actions (`ShowLoading` and `HideLoading`). 4. **Mouse Hover Effects**: - `handleMouseEnter` and `handleMouseLeave` functions are used to toggle the `isHovering` state when hovering over theater showtimes. - This is used to change the background and text color of showtime cards. 5. **Effect Hooks**: - The `useEffect` hook is utilized to fetch movie data (`getData()`) when the component mounts. It runs once because it has an empty dependency array. - Another `useEffect` hook is used to fetch theater data (`getTheatres()`) whenever the `date` state changes. 6. **Rendering**: - The component conditionally renders the movie and theater information if the `movie` state exists. - Movie information, including title, language, duration, release date, and genre, is displayed. - A date input allows users to select a date, triggering a navigation change. - Theater information is displayed, including theater name, address, and showtimes. - Showtimes are sorted by time and displayed in cards that respond to hover events. 7. **Sorting of Theater Shows**: - Within the rendering section of the component, theater shows are sorted based on their showtimes. - This sorting is achieved through the `.sort()` method applied to the `theatre.shows` array. - The sorting logic compares the showtimes, ensuring that shows are displayed in chronological order. - The `moment` library is used to parse and format showtime values for comparison. - As a result, theater shows are presented to users in ascending order of showtime, providing a clear and organized view of available showtimes for the selected date. ## Seating Component Now lets start with the seating component, after selecting the show of the theater as follows. ```javascript onClick = {() => { navigate(`/book-show/${show._id}`); }} ``` When a user clicks an element (like a button), the `onClick` function runs. It uses the `navigate` function to take the user to a new page, typically based on the show's ID. ### Get show by id ```javascript //get show by id router.post('/get-show-by-id',authMiddleware,async(req,res) => { try{ const show = await Show.findById(req.body.showId) .populate("movie") .populate("theatre") res.send({ success:true, message:"Show fetched", data:show, }) }catch(err){ res.send({ success:false, message:err.message }) } }) ``` This specific route handles a POST request to retrieve information about a show by its ID. Let's break down what this code does: 1. **Route Definition**: - This route is defined to listen for POST requests on a specific path, which is "/get-show-by-id". 2. **Middleware**: - It includes an authentication middleware function called `authMiddleware`. This function is likely responsible for verifying the user's identity and ensuring that only authorized users can access this route. 3. **Request Handling**: - When a POST request is made to this route, the server executes the code inside the `try` block. 4. **Show Retrieval**: - Inside the `try` block, the code uses the `Show` model (presumably a MongoDB model) to find a show document in the database based on the provided `showId`. This is done using `Show.findById(req.body.showId)`. - The `populate` method is used to retrieve additional information related to the show, specifically details about the associated movie and theater. This populates the "movie" and "theatre" fields in the `show` document with their respective data. 5. **Response**: - If the show is successfully found and populated, a response is sent back to the client with a `success` status set to `true`. - The response includes a message indicating that the show has been fetched and the `show` data itself. 6. **Error Handling**: - If any errors occur during the process (e.g., the show with the provided ID doesn't exist or there's an issue with the database), the code inside the `catch` block is executed. - In case of an error, a response is sent back to the client with a `success` status set to `false`, and an error message is provided. In summary, this route is designed to handle POST requests to fetch details about a show by its ID. It uses authentication middleware to secure the route, retrieves the show data from a database, populates related movie and theater information, and sends a response with the retrieved data or an error message, depending on the outcome of the database operation. ```javascript export const GetShowById = async (payload) => { try{ const response = await axiosInstance.post('/api/theatres/get-show-by-id',payload) return response.data }catch(err){ return err.message } } ``` The `GetShowById` function serves as a client-side utility for making HTTP POST requests to a server's `/api/theatres/get-show-by-id` endpoint. It is designed to retrieve specific show information based on a provided `payload`, which typically includes data necessary for the request, such as a `showId`. The function operates asynchronously, utilizing Axios to handle the HTTP request. Within a `try...catch` block, it awaits the completion of the request, ensuring that the program doesn't proceed until a response is received. On success, the function extracts and returns the response data from the server using `return response.data`. This allows the caller to access and utilize the fetched show data. However, in the event of an error—whether due to network issues, server problems, or other reasons—the `catch` block captures and handles the error. ### How Many Seats Are There for That Show Different shows have different number of the shows as below: ![](https://d2beiqkhq929f0.cloudfront.net/public_assets/assets/000/051/448/original/upload_04c10a7c926af4fbb8d515abf9873734.png?1695995938) ```javascript import { message } from "antd"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react" import { useParams, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; import { GetShowById } from "../apicalls/theatres"; import {BookShowTickets, MakePayment } from "../apicalls/bookings"; import Button from "../components/Button"; import { HideLoading, ShowLoading } from "../redux/loadersSlice"; import StripeCheckout from "react-stripe-checkout"; import moment from "moment" import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux"; export default function BookShow(){ const { user } = useSelector((state) => state.users); const [selectedSeats, setSelectedSeats] = useState([]); let [show,setShow] = useState(); const params = useParams(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const navigate = useNavigate() const getData = async() => { try{ const response = await GetShowById({showId:params.id}) if(response.success){ setShow(response.data); }else{ message.error(response.message) } }catch(err){ message.error(err.message) } } const getSeats = () => { const columns = 12; const totalSeats = show.totalSeats; // 120 const rows = Math.ceil(totalSeats / columns); // 10 return (

Screen This Side

{Array.from(Array(rows).keys()).map((seat, index) => { return (
{/* 0, 1 ,2, ,3, .. 11 0 [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7.. ,11], 1 [0, 1, 2, 3, .. ,11], 2 . . 9 [0,1,2 , .... 11] ] */} {Array.from(Array(columns).keys()).map((column, index) => { const seatNumber = seat * columns + column + 1; // 12*1 + 3+ 1 = 16 let seatClass = "seat"; // seat = 0 // coloumns = 12 //0 + 1 + 1 = 2 if (selectedSeats.includes(seat * columns + column + 1)) { seatClass = seatClass + " selected-seat"; } if (show.bookedSeats.includes(seat * columns + column + 1)) { seatClass = seatClass + " booked-seat"; } return ( seat * columns + column + 1 <= totalSeats && (
{ if (selectedSeats.includes(seatNumber)) { setSelectedSeats( selectedSeats.filter((item) => item !== seatNumber) ); } else { setSelectedSeats([...selectedSeats, seatNumber]); } }} >

{seat * columns + column + 1}

) ); })}
); })}
); }; const book = async (transactionId) => { try { dispatch(ShowLoading()); const response = await BookShowTickets({ show: params.id, seats: selectedSeats, transactionId, user: user._id, }); if (response.success) { message.success(response.message); navigate("/profile"); } else { message.error(response.message); } dispatch(HideLoading()); } catch (error) { message.error(error.message); dispatch(HideLoading()); } }; const onToken = async (token) => { // console.log(token) try { dispatch(ShowLoading()); const response = await MakePayment( token, selectedSeats.length * show.ticketPrice * 100 ); if (response.success) { message.success(response.message); // console.log(response.data); book(response.data); } else { message.error(response.message); } dispatch(HideLoading()); } catch (error) { message.error(error.message); dispatch(HideLoading()); } }; useEffect(() => { getData(); },[]) return ( show && (
{/* show infomation */}



{show.movie.title} ({show.movie.language})

{moment(show.date).format("MMM Do yyyy")} - {" "} {moment(show.time, "HH:mm").format("hh:mm A")}

{/* seats */}
{selectedSeats.length > 0 && (

Selected Seats : {selectedSeats.join(" , ")}

Total Price : {selectedSeats.length * show.ticketPrice}

) ); } ``` ![](https://d2beiqkhq929f0.cloudfront.net/public_assets/assets/000/051/449/original/upload_8519871882badc6cea20e45f3b757fda.png?1695996092) Let's dive into the `BookShow` component and focus on the details, particularly the part that handles rendering the seats with the `for` loops: 1. **Component Structure**:
The `BookShow` component is a React functional component responsible for booking show tickets. It receives data about a show and allows users to select seats for booking. 2. **Fetching Show Data**:
The `getData` function is called when the component mounts (`useEffect`). It fetches details about the show specified by the `params.id` using the `GetShowById` API call and sets the show data in the component's state. 3. **Rendering Seats**: - The `getSeats` function is responsible for rendering the seats grid. It calculates the number of rows and columns based on the `totalSeats` of the show. - It returns a JSX structure that represents the seats grid. The grid is divided into rows and columns using nested `map` functions. ```jsx {Array.from(Array(rows).keys()).map((seat, index) => { return (
{Array.from(Array(columns).keys()).map((column, index) => { // ... Seat rendering logic })}
); })} ``` - The outer `map` iterates over the rows, and the inner `map` iterates over the columns. For each seat, it calculates a unique `seatNumber` based on the row and column indices. - The seat's appearance (e.g., styling) depends on its characteristics, such as whether it's selected or booked. This is determined by the `seatClass`. - Seats that are already booked (`show.bookedSeats`) are given a "booked-seat" class. - Seats that are currently selected by the user are given a "selected-seat" class. - Seats that are neither booked nor selected are rendered without any additional class. 4. **Selecting and Deselecting Seats**: - Seats can be selected or deselected by clicking on them. This interaction is handled by the `onClick` event attached to each seat `
`. - When a seat is clicked, the `setSelectedSeats` function is used to update the `selectedSeats` state based on whether the clicked seat is already in the selected seats array or not. 5. **Displaying Selected Seats and Total Price**: - Below the seat grid, there's a section that displays the selected seats and the total price. This section is conditionally rendered only when there are selected seats (`selectedSeats.length > 0`). - It shows the selected seat numbers joined by a comma and calculates the total price based on the number of selected seats and the ticket price for the show. 6. **Booking Seats and Making Payments**: - The component includes functions (`book` and `onToken`) for booking seats and handling payment. When the user confirms the booking, these functions are called to initiate the booking process and make a payment. ## Seat Selection/Deselection Functionaities ```javascript if (selectedSeats.includes(seat * columns + column + 1)) { seatClass = seatClass + " selected-seat"; } if (show.bookedSeats.includes(seat * columns + column + 1)) { seatClass = seatClass + " booked-seat"; } return ( seat * columns + column + 1 <= totalSeats && (
{ if (selectedSeats.includes(seatNumber)) { setSelectedSeats( selectedSeats.filter((item) => item !== seatNumber) ); } else { setSelectedSeats([...selectedSeats, seatNumber]); } }} >

{seat * columns + column + 1}

) ); ``` - **Class Assignment**: - The `seatClass` variable is initially set to an empty string for each seat. - The first `if` statement checks if the current seat number (calculated as `seat * columns + column + 1`) is included in the `selectedSeats` array. If it is, the `"selected-seat"` class is appended to `seatClass`. - The second `if` statement checks if the seat number is included in the `show.bookedSeats` array. If it is, the `"booked-seat"` class is appended to `seatClass`. - **Rendering Seats**: - The code then returns a `div` element representing the seat. - The condition `seat * columns + column + 1 <= totalSeats` ensures that only valid seats are rendered based on the total number of seats available. - The `className` attribute is set to `seatClass`, which may include `"selected-seat"` and/or `"booked-seat"` classes based on the conditions. - An `onClick` event handler is attached to the seat `div`. When a user clicks on a seat, it triggers this function. - Inside the `onClick` function: - If the clicked seat number is already in the `selectedSeats` array, it's removed from the array using `selectedSeats.filter()`. This means the user is deselecting the seat. - If the clicked seat number is not in `selectedSeats`, it's added to the array, indicating the user's selection. ```css! /* seats */ .seat { height: 30px; width: 50px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border : 1px solid #b1b1b1; cursor: pointer; } .selected-seat { background-color: #118838; } .selected-seat h1 { color: white !important; } .booked-seat { background-color: #b1b1b1; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: none; } ``` ![](https://d2beiqkhq929f0.cloudfront.net/public_assets/assets/000/051/450/original/upload_c4f6952777f7fe93082df2c33a466bea.png?1695996181) The provided CSS code defines styles for rendering seats in a grid. Each seat (`.seat`) has a height and width, is centered both horizontally and vertically, and has a border to separate seats. The `cursor` property changes to a pointer to indicate interactivity. Selected seats (`.selected-seat`) have a green background and white text for visibility. Booked seats (`.booked-seat`) have a gray background and a disabled cursor, preventing further interaction. These styles effectively visualize seat availability and user selections, enhancing the user experience in a seat selection interface. ## Add the Payment Options "React Stripe Checkout" refers to a React library or component that allows developers to easily integrate Stripe's payment processing capabilities into their React applications. This library streamlines the process of creating a checkout experience, handling payments, and managing user interactions with the Stripe API. Key features and steps typically involved in using "React Stripe Checkout" include: 1. **Installation**:
Developers can install the library in their React project using npm or yarn. 2. **Configuration**:
Setting up Stripe credentials and configuring payment options, such as currency and amount. 3. **Integration**:
Adding the "React Stripe Checkout" component to the application's payment page or modal. 4. **User Interaction**:
Users can enter their payment details, including card information. 5. **Tokenization**:
The library securely tokenizes the payment information, ensuring sensitive data is not exposed to the application server. 6. **Payment Processing**:
Stripe processes the payment using the token and completes the transaction. ```javascript