Z-function and z-algorithm Z-algorithm is a **string-matching algorithm**, which is used to find a place where a string is found within a larger string. For example, `p = "ab"` and `s = "abbbabab"`, then KMP will find us `[0,4,6]` because $s$ has 3 occurrences of `"ab"`. It uses the value of **z-function** to do so. Let's first see what is a **z-function**. # Z-Algorithm Z-function for a given string $s$ of length $n$ returns an array $z$ of length $n$, where $z[i]$ represents the length of the longest common prefix of string $s$(i.e. $s[0,n-1]$) and suffix of $s$ starting at $i$ i.e. $s[i,n-1]$. **Note:** $s[l,r]$ represents substring of $S$ starting at index $l$ and ending at index $r$. Here, we are taking zero based indices. Note that the value of $z[0]$ is not properly defined so we take it as zero($0$). For example, 1. $z("cccc") = [0,3,2,1]$ Why $z[1]=3$? Because $s[0,2] = s[1,3] = "ccc"$. 2. $z("ababab")=[0,0,4,0,2,0]$ Why $z[2] = 4$? Because $s[0,3] = s[2,5] = "abab"$. 3. $z("abacaba") = [0,0,1,0,3,0,1]$ Why $z[4] = 3$? Because $s[0,2] = s[4,6] = "aba"$. Can you figure out how do we find the value of z-function? ## Trivial Algorithm The basic way to find the value of z-function is to do brute force. For index - $i$, we find it following way. ``` z[i] = 0; while(i + z[i] < n && s[z[i]] == s[i + z[i]]) z[i]++; ``` Simply, do this for every index. ```cpp vector z_function(string s) { int n = (int) s.size(); vector z(n); for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) while (i + z[i] < n && s[z[i]] == s[i + z[i]]) z[i]++; return z; } ``` ## Efficient Algorithm Now, we will take advantage of previously computed values as much as possible. **Note:** $s[l,r]$ represents substring of $s$ starting at index $l$ and ending at index $r$. Suppose we are given two indices $l$ and $r$ and also we are informed that $s[0,r-l]$ and $s[l,r]$ are equal. And we are finding value of z[i] such that $l<=i <= r$. ![enter image description here](https://github.com/KingsGambitLab/Lecture_Notes/blob/master/articles/Akash%20Articles/md/Images/Z-algorithm/1.jpg) How can we take advantage of that information to find $z[i]$? ![enter image description here](https://github.com/KingsGambitLab/Lecture_Notes/blob/master/articles/Akash%20Articles/md/Images/Z-algorithm/2.jpg) We can see that $s[i,r]$ and $s[i-l,r-l]$ are equal. Now, look at $z[i-l]$ and think how can we take advantage of it to find $z[i]$? $z[i-l]$ tells us that $s[0,z[i-l]-1]$ and $s[i-l,i-l+z[i-l]-1]$ are equal and therefore $s[0,z[i-l]-1]$ and $s[i,i+z[i-l]-1]$ are equal, which means that $z[i]=z[i-l]$. Confused? Go through the series of images below that will make the whole thing clear. ![enter image description here](https://github.com/KingsGambitLab/Lecture_Notes/blob/master/articles/Akash%20Articles/md/Images/Z-algorithm/3.jpg) ![enter image description here](https://github.com/KingsGambitLab/Lecture_Notes/blob/master/articles/Akash%20Articles/md/Images/Z-algorithm/4.jpg) ![enter image description here](https://github.com/KingsGambitLab/Lecture_Notes/blob/master/articles/Akash%20Articles/md/Images/Z-algorithm/5.jpg) **But if $i+z[i-l]-1>r$, then it is ambiguous as we don't know anything about characters beyond $r$.** And therefore we simply take $z[i]=min(z[i-l],r-i+1)$, which does not go beyond $r$. Now, we will run brute force algorithm: ``` // As per the discussion z[i] = min(z[i-l],r-i+1); while(i + z[i] < n && s[z[i]] == s[i + z[i]]) z[i]++; ``` After that if $i+z[i]$ is going beyond $r$, then we simply update indices $[l,r]$ as $l = i$ and $r = i + z[i]$, to maintain the **rightmost segment match** to take the advantage of previous values as much as possible for next indices as well. **Note that initially $[l,r]$ segment is taken as $[0,0]$**. So, we start by doing brute force, or generally for an index $i$, 1. If $i<=r$, then we will take advantage of the previous value and then do brute force. 2. Else if $i>r$, we directly do brute force as we can't take advantage of any previous value. ```cpp vector z_function(string s) { int n = (int) s.size(); vector z(n); int l = 0, r = 0; for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { // Take advantage of previous value if (i <= r) z[i] = min (r - i + 1, z[i - l]); // Now do it usual brute-force way while (i + z[i] < n && s[z[i]] == s[i + z[i]]) ++z[i]; // Set new range [l,r] if (i + z[i] - 1 > r) { l = i; r = i + z[i] - 1; } } return z; } ``` ### Time complexity $O(N)$, as at each step of the algorithm $r$ at least increases one step, and the maximum possible value of r is $n-1$. ## Z-algorithm Z-algorithm is used to search all occurrences of pattern-string $p$ in a string $s$ in $O(N)$. For example, `p = "ab"` and `s = "abbbabab"`, then Z-algorithm will find us `[0,4,6]` because $s$ has 3 occurrences of `"ab"`. Basic idea here is to create a new string having $p$ as a prefix and $s$ as a suffix i.e. `new_str = p + '#' + s`. **To make sure that the value of Z-function does not exceed the length of $p$, we add a character that is never going to appear in string $s$ like `'#'`**. Now, we will find Z-function of `new_str`. Let say $m$ is the length of $p$. $Z[i] = m$, means that `new_str[0..m-1]` is equal to `new_str[i...i+m-1]`, which is bacially means $p$(=`new_str[0...m-1]`) is equal to `new_str[i...i+m-1]`. And therefore **all indices-$i$ where the values of Z-function $Z[i]$ equals to the length of $p$ means it is an occurrence of $p$ in $s$.** ```cpp int main() { string s,p; s = "abbbabab"; p = "ab"; int n = s.size(), m = p.size(); // To save memory concatenate // s in p p += "#"; p += s; // p = "ab#abbbabab"; vector z = z_function(p); // p = "ab#abbbabab"; // ^ // m+1 cout << "occurences in s at the following indices: "; for(int i = m + 1; i < z.size(); i++) { if(z[i] == m) { cout << i - m - 1 << " "; } } return 0; } ``` Z-function can also be used to solve various string related problems. Let's see some applications. ## To find the period of a string Period of a string is the shortest length such that a larger string $s$ can be represented as a concatenation of one or more copies of a substring($t$). For example, `s = "ababab"` has a period of $2$, where `t = "ab"`. Let's see how to find the period of $s$ using the value of z-function of $s$. **First of all note that the length of string $s$($n$) is divisible by the period of string.** Therefore, we can divide string $s$ into multiple blocks of the same length as a period of $s$. First of all, we will find all divisors of $n$ and value of z-function of $s$. Now, we will need to find smallest divisor of $n$ for which $i+z[i] = n$, which is period of string $s$. Why? $z[i]$ represents length of the longest common prefix of $s[0,n-1]$ and $s[i,n-1]$. As $i$ is divisor of $n$, we can divide the whole string into blocks of length $i$. From the value of $z[i] = n-i$($\because i+z[i]=n$), we can see that the first block($s[0,i-1]$) is equal to the second block starting at $i$ i.e. $s[i,i+i-1]$, which is also equal to third block $s[2*i,3*i-1]$ and similarly all blocks turns out to be equal. Therefore, smallest $i$ such that $n\% i=0$ and $i+z[i]=n$, is period of string $s$. If there is no such $i$, then string is not periodic as we cannot divide string into equivalent blocks. ```cpp vector getDivisors(int n) { vector v; for (int i=1; i<=sqrt(n); i++) if (n%i==0) { v.push_back(i); if (n != i*i) v.push_back(n/i); } return v; } int main() { string s,p; s = "abcabcabc"; int n = (int) s.size(); vector divs = getDivisors(n); sort(divs.begin(),divs.end()); vector z = z_function(s); int period = 0; for(auto i:divs) { if(i < n && z[i] + i == n) { period = i; break; } } if(period) cout << period << endl; else cout << "String is not periodic" << endl; return 0; } ``` ### String compression Now, we know how to find a period of a string and therefore we can compress string as only one block of size $i$ which repeats all over again and again in $s$. To retrieve the string back from the compressed version, we can attach its real length i.e. length of $s$. ```cpp int main() { string s,p; s = "abcabcabc"; int n = (int) s.size(); vector divs = getDivisors(n); sort(divs.begin(),divs.end()); vector z = z_function(s); int period = 0; for(auto i:divs) { if(i < n && z[i] + i == n) { period = i; break; } } if(period != 0) { // A way to represent a compressed string // Attatch real length of string to retrieve easily pair compressed_str{s.substr(0,period), n}; } else { cout << "can't be compressed by this method" << endl; } return 0; } ``` ## Number of distinct substrings in a string **Problem statement:** Find the number of unique substrings in a given string $s$. **Brief idea:** Basic idea here is to take an empty string $t$ and add characters one by one from string $s$ and along with that check how many new substrings are created, due to the addition of a character in $t$, using z-function. Let say we have already added some characters to $t$ from $s$ and $k$ is the number of distinct substrings currently. Now, we are adding a character $c$ to $t$, $t = t+c$. Note that total number of new substrings created by appending a character to any string($t$) is equal to the length of new string($t=t+c$) created. **For example, Appending `'d'` in `"abc"` creates 4 new substrings: `"d"`, `"cd"`, `"bcd"`, `"abcd"`.** But how to find the number of new unique substrings created by the addition of $c$ **using z-function**? **Hint:** Reverse $t$. By reversing $t$, our task burns down into computing how many prefixes there are that don't appear anywhere else in $t$, which can be done by finding the z-function of $t$. After finding value of z-function, we will find maximum value $z_{max}$($z_{max} = max\{z[i]\}, \forall i$) in the z-function of reversed $t$, which shows the length of longest prefix which is already in $t$ as a substring and it also implies that all smaller prefixes are already present as substrings in $t$. Therefore, we will deduct this number of already present substrings i.e. $z_{max}$, from the total number of new substrings i.e. $|t|$. Where $|t|$ is the length of $t$. Finally, the number of new unique substrings created by the addition of a character turns out to be $|t|-z_{max}$. **Note that $|t|$ is the length of $t$ after adding a character.** ```cpp // Returns maximum of z[i] int z_function(string& s) { int n = (int) s.size(); vector z(n); int l = 0, r = 0; int mx = 0; for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { // Take advantage of previous value if (i <= r) z[i] = min (r - i + 1, z[i - l]); // Now do it usual brute-force way while (i + z[i] < n && s[z[i]] == s[i + z[i]]) ++z[i]; mx = max(z[i], mx); // Set new range [l,r] if (i + z[i] - 1 > r) { l = i; r = i + z[i] - 1; } } return mx; } int main() { string s,p; s = "abc"; int n = s.size(); string t, temp; int unique_substr = 0; for(int i=0; i < n; i++) { t += s[i]; temp = t; reverse(temp.begin(), temp.end()); // |t| - mx unique_substr += (int)t.size() - z_function(temp); } // Total number of unique substrings cout << unique_substr << endl; return 0; } ``` **Complexity**: $O(N^2)$, where $N$ is the length of $s$. For each character appended, we are computing z-function in $O(N)$, which gives a time complexity of $O(N^2)$ in total.