From 36c7ce9a6fea08af00c87a753c3ac82f4d1f06d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pragy Agarwal Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2020 21:29:42 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] Basic Formatting improvements + CSS --- Akash Articles/RegEx/Intro_Basic.html | 231 ++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 102 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-) diff --git a/Akash Articles/RegEx/Intro_Basic.html b/Akash Articles/RegEx/Intro_Basic.html index f609f51..3ee677d 100644 --- a/Akash Articles/RegEx/Intro_Basic.html +++ b/Akash Articles/RegEx/Intro_Basic.html @@ -1,133 +1,102 @@ + + + - - - - - - - - -

Regular Expression (RegEx)

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While filling online forms, haven't you come across errors like "Please enter valid email address" or "Please enter valid phone number".

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Annoying as they may be, there's a lot of black magic that the computer does before it determines that, the details you've entered are incorrect.

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Can you think out, what is that black magic? If you are familiar with algorithms, then you will say that we can write an algorithm for the same.

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Yes, we can write an algorithm to verify different things, but we have a standard tool designed for similar kinds of purposes.

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It is Regular Expression. We call it RegEx for short. RegEx makes our work a lot easier. Let's see some basic examples where RegEx becomes handy.

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Suppose, you are in search of an averge price of a particular product on amazon. The following regular expression will find you any price(ex. $12, $75.50) on the webpage: \$([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+). In the Image below, yellowish part shows the matched prices.

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enter image description here

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Quite interesting!

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Let's look at another example. You have a long list of documents with different kinds of extensions. You are particularly looking for data files having .dat extension.

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^.*\.dat$ is a regular expression which represents a set of string ending with .dat. Regular expression is a standardized way to encode such patterns.

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Below in the image, you can see that all three files having .dat extension are extracted from the list of five files.

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enter image description here

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Well. What does the name Regular Expression(RegEx) represent? Regular Expression represents the sequence of characters that defines a regular search pattern.

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RegEx is a standardized tool to do the following works:

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  1. Find and verify patterns in a string.
  2. - -
  3. Extract particular data present in the text.
  4. - -
  5. Replace, split and rearrange particular parts of a string.
  6. -
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We are going to look at all the three things above.

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Let's begin the journey with RegEx!

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  1. Alpha-numeric character belongs to anyone of the $0-9,A-Z,a-z$ ranges.
  2. - -
  3. String is a sequence of characters and substring is a contiguous part of a string.
  4. -
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In this article series, we are going to show all examples using live interactive playground, so that you can play with regex. You can activate playground by just clicking on it.

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Simple Alpha-numeric character matching

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Simple matching of a specific word can be done as following:

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As you can see it matches "Reg" in the text. Similarly, what will be the match for "Ex" in the same text above?

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Do you notice anything? It is a case sensitive.

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Most of the programming languages have libraries for RegEx. They have almost similar kind of syntax. Here, we will see how to implement it in Javascript.

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Below is a basic code in Javascript, showing how to implement regex. The patterns are written in /_____/g. Where g is a modifier, which is used to find all matches rather than stopping at the first match.

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The function exec returns null, if there is no match and match data otherwise.

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// Main text (string) in which we are finding
-// Patterns
-var str = "RegEx stands for Regular Expression!";
-// Pattern string
 var pattern = /Reg/g;
-// This will print all the data of matches
-// across the whole string
-while(result = pattern.exec(str))
-    console.log(result); // printing
+// This will print all the data of matches across the whole string
+while(result = pattern.exec(text_to_search_in)) {
+    console.log(result);
-// This will be the output
+ The output will be: +
   index: 0,
   input: 'RegEx stands for Regular Expression!',
@@ -139,11 +108,15 @@ while(result = pattern.exec(str))
   input: 'RegEx stands for Regular Expression!',
   groups: undefined

Note: Groups in the above output is a RegEx concept.


Note: Groups in the above output is a RegEx concept.

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