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imperfect_notes/Data Types.md
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imperfect_notes/Data Types.md
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## Data Types
- Can start with bioler plate
- taking students help to write it
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 5;
float b = 5.7;
- Ask what type of data is stored in int and float
- Ask why it is called "float" not decimal
- IEEE define these type of numbers as floating point numbers
- Numbers are made up of digits and have a decimal point, the decimal point can be between any two digits - so decimal point is kind of floating around
- Introduce characters and "char" data type
char c = 'A';
string s = "ABC";
- Discuss primitive / compound data types in reference to char/string
- Dive more into characters
- Ask how many alphabet english have
- 26? No
- only 1 i.e A - Z
- alphabet in Hindi - 2
- alphabet in Japanese - 3 - Kanji , hiragona, katakana
- So what type of Alphabet we use in C++ or other languages
- **ASCII alphabet**
- ASCII alphabet has 1 byte of space - 8 bits
- ask how many characters would be possible with 8 bits
- 2 ^ 8 = 256 characters
- ask if students understand - if not,explain
- Introduce some basic characters/letters
- A - Z -> 26 characters
- a - z -> 26 characters
- 0 - 9 -> 10 characters
- and many special characters - ~`!@#$%......
- Ask if they can guess the remaining characters
- Backspace , Escape , Carriage return etc
- show ASCII table
- Discuss ASCII code
- Discuss about extended set
- Discuss different characters
- A - Z
- a - z
- 0 - 9
- special characters
- Currencies and excents - in latin/perish - some characters have two or more excents
- characters like aplha , bita , 1/2 , 1/4 , infinity , sqaure root , >= , <= etc
- box printing characters - show them with the command top/htop , how GUI is beneficial but then tell them how terminal was used when no GUI was there and Box printing characters were used at that time
- dicuss the characters in the starting of the table - ex - SOH , STX , NUL
- can discuss the backspace('\b') , carriage return('\r') and free line character('\n')
- can explain carriage return by playing a video of typewriter
- why escape sequence is needed
- show with some code examples
- disucuss about Unicode
- what is unicode?
- how it is different than ASCII code? - 2 bytes rather than 1 byte
- languages that have unicode - python , ruby , java etc.
- **How these characters are represented inside the computer**?
- Are these characters represented as it is ? aur is there any different way?
- everything is represented using binary representation
- ask - what would be binary value of 'A'?
- 'A' implies 65 -> 1000001
- ask if students understand binary representation, if not explain
- so, computer stores in binary rather than storing it as 'A' or 65
- **But how does computer knows if I am talking about number 65 or the character 'A' ?
- computer doesn't know and doesn't care
- it depends upon quotes and the data type conversion
int a = 65;
char ch = 'A';
/*computer would store same thing '1000001' in the memory for both cases*/
/* But the program will intepret it differently based on data type */
- **Size of datatypes**
- char has 1 byte which is already discussed
- discuss int and float
- before moving forward , print size of some basic datatypes
int main() {
cout << "char " << sizeof(char) << endl;
cout << "int " << sizeof(int) << endl;
cout << "short int " << sizeof(short int) << endl;
cout << "long long int " << sizeof(long long int) << endl;
cout << "float " << sizeof(float) << endl;
cout << "double " << sizeof(double) << endl;
cout << "bool " << sizeof(bool) << endl;
- ask what could the result printed represent ? bits or bytes?
- Dicuss size of int
- 4 bytes - 32 bits of size
- how many total no can we represent using this much amount of space ?
- 2 ^ 32 numbers
- can we represent 1 , 2 , 3 ..... 2 ^ 32 , yes.
- But we left zero
- can we represent 0 , 1, 2 , 3 ,,,, 2 ^ 32 - 1,yes
- But we left negative numbers
- Dicuss signed and unsigned and print sizes of both
cout << "signed " << sizeof(signed int) << endl;
cout << "unsigned " << sizeof(unsigned int) << endl;
- discuss how the sizes are same
- unsigned -> 0 , 1 ,2 , ..... 2 ^ 32 - 1
- signed - this is default behaviour -> -2 ^ 32 ....... 0 ....... 2 ^ 32 - 1
- **We know how to represent positve numbers using binary representation , but how to represent negative numbers ?**
- How to represent (-10) ?
- **Representation of negative numbers**
- discuss some adjustments
- Adjustment 1:
- can represent no's alternatively
00000 -> 0
00001 -> 1
00010 -> -1
00011 -> 2
00100 -> -2 .........
- the logic behind old binary representation vanishes
- becomes difficult to manage
- Adjustment 2 :
- can first represent negative no's and then positive
00000 -> -3
00001 -> -2
00010 -> -1
00011 -> 0
00100 -> 1
00101 -> 2
00110 -> 3
- Discuss how computer is mad up of circuits
- how we take help of addition while doing other arithmetic operations
- ex -> 9 - 5 = 9 + (-5)
- Now discuss what's bad about previous two approaches - how these approaches are making circuits complex and how these are taking away the sense of binary representation
- start building up for 2's complement approach
10 -> 1010
-10 -> abcd
0 -> 0000
- assume that -10 is represented by abcd , now we have to find some abcd such that 10 + (-10) gives us 0 and 0's representation remains '0000'
- abcd comes out to be 0110 by hit and try
- but result comes as 10000 which is not zero - explain that if the size is only 4 bits than we can ignore the left most bit because it won't be stored , so eventually result becomes 0
- But now -10 -> 0110 which is also the representation of 6 -> 0110 , so how do we differ between -10 and 6
- can we take an extra bit which would be called signed bit and would tell us about the sign
10 -> 0|1010
6 -> 0|0110
-10 -> 1|0110
0 -> positive
1 -> negative
- but we can't hit and try always , so how to reach to abcd if the no is negative ?
- it is called 2's complement
- before that let us see what is complement ?
- it is nothing but toggling every bit
- 10110 -> (complement) -> 01001
- also called one's complement
- what is 2's complement then ?
- 1 's complement + 1 -> 2 's complement
10 (1010) -> (1's complement ) -> 0101
0101 -> 1's complement
1 -> addition of 1
0110 -> 2's complement
this is what we gets when we find 'abcd' for -10
- so , negative no's can be represented as -
let say we have number -x
-x -> 1|2's complement of x
- why we choose this representation ?
- computers are just circuits
- now we can have a seperate citcuit which would give us 2's complement and thus we can get our negative number without complexing things
- No , if we are given with negative no we can represent it in binary but what if binary representation of a negative no is given than how to get to the actual no ?
10 -> negate -> -10 -> negate -> 10
so similarly
10 -> 2's compliment -> 0110 -> 2's compliment -> 1010
- taking 2's compliment again can give us the original number
- **Does characters have signed behaviour?**
char ch = 200;
cout << ch << endl;
- run this thing
- in the output window ,a warning will be shown that 200 is converted to -56 , why ? what is this?
- this is because char is signed by default
- char has 8 bits -> 2 ^ 8 = 256 characters
- actual range -> -128 ...... 0 ..... 127
- but why 200 goes to -56 ?
- this is called wrap around
- as soon as numbers starts increasing after 127 the computer start again taking it to back i.e -128 , we can say a cyclic thing happens
- **does the same thing happend in int if we exceed limits ?**
- yes
- wrap around happens in both signed and unsigned int
max unsigned no - 4294967295 - 11111.....111 - 32 times
if we add 1 to this
1000000000000000000 - the leftmost bit will vanish, so only zero remains
-> 4294967295 + 1 -> 0
- So this was some introduction about datatypes , float are represented in a completely different way , we'll take it in some other class
- and we would discuss type conversion in one of upcoming class
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## Initial start
- Check if everyone has interface familiarity
- Talk to them about importance of two way conversation
- importance of asking question and "There are No stupid questions"
- Any other stuff related to previous lecture
## Overview of the current lecture
- **what we will do**
- Basic of programming
- the very first steps in coding
- will discuss about the computer and how it evolved
- then would be writing a very basic code to start with programming
- **Focus on - A lot of assumptions will be made**
- So need not understand everything
- no need to panic if you don't understand anything
- Can relate to it school's classes where you were made to cram mathematical tables without telling what's it for - or any other example but relate
- introduce ideone.com if using that
- Tell them that we would be using C++ (or any other lang)
## What is a computer?
- Dicuss this question, take inputs
- computer -> compute = to compute something
- Humans were called as computers before - because humans were hired as assistants to do calculations
- Start building a story here
- Introduce with some current great things done by computer not just calculations
- start with the story in ancient times
- refer computer as "Smart rock" - rock with electrical signals
- discuss two inventions
- how to put electricity in rock
- how to make a rock think
- can build on this story more using turing's war help example
- can use example of punch cards
- Computer is a machine that does whatever you tell it to do
- computer does everything very fast
- take a calculation like 9888.2142421 * 242434.5442423242
- discuss in how much time they can do it
- dicuss in how much time the computer does with reference to speed of light
- computer can do same computation 4 time while light covers 1 feet
## Why and what we need to tell computer ?
- Can play a video here of rajpal yadav in waqt movie where he asks a lot of question (motive - make it goal specifc)
- In the same way computer is dumb , you have to tell it every single detail
- Now discuss the operation of addition of two numbers and what you need to tell computer to do it
- What do you mean by numbers?
- from where these number would come?
- how large are these numbers ?
- what is addition or how it is performed?
- how to take input from keyboard?
- where do I store the input?
- Where to I store the result?
- should I output the result?
- How to output?
## How to tell / How to interact with computer ?
- Explain by taking some example how just doing electrical signals can perform operation - how computer does it (Need to find examples here)
- then relate up/down voltage to 0 & 1 - introduce binary and tell this is what computer understands
- Then dicuss the bad thing about talking in binary
- So we need to find a simpler way to interact
- Can we interact in English/Hindi/Japanese
- no becuase there are ambiguous - explain with an example
- Example - Buffalo BUffalo Buffallo Buffalo Buffalo BUffalo Buffallo Buffalo
- ask what they understand by the statement
- explain how it is ambiguous
- meaing - The Buffallo of the city Buffallo, that bullies the buffallo of the city Buffallo , are themselves bullied by the buffallo of the city of Buffallo
- we needed to find / invent unambigouos language - the language in which a sentence can only be interpreted in one single way
- so languages like C+= , java , python were introduced
- but still computer only understand 0 & 1
- **We need to find a way to take programs in the "high level" unambiguous language and convert it into binary (1s and 0s) that the computer can execute & understand**
- Can demonstrate this thing by considering it as a black box / translator (eg - English to Hindi)
- after explaining why we need - we can introduce the names - "compiler" , "interpreter" , "Assembler" , "Linker"
## The beginning of coding
- start with the initial code
- refer it as boiler plate / template
- tell students again that they need not understand everything - just assume
using namespace std;
int main() {
return 0;
- this is starting pattern which is to followed always when writing code in C++
**First program**
- start by writing a "Hello World" program
int main(){
cout << "Hello World";
return 0;
- Now ask what if in place of World you want to print your age (can be name if you want to introduce string datatype) that would be entered by the user
- use this to explain the need of variable
- how variables are declared
- declare a string variable
- how input is taken
- **Again focusing on the fact that cin, cout and string would be cleared later**
int main() {
// variable declaration
// <data-type> <name>
int age; // integer
// allocate some memory in RAM
cin >> age;
cout << "age: " << age;
- Explain in brief what happens when you declare a variable , memory allocation
- give a brief about everything you write in code
- Tell them about comments - by taking example - like sometimes you write meaning of a word in Hindi at the side of a page but when you read the page you only use english
- While explaing "int" - you can take some time to explain different kind of numbers
- Natural Numbers -> 1 , 2 , 3...
- Whole Numbers -> 0 , 1 , 2 , 3...
- Integers -> -3 , -2 , -1 , 0 , 1 , 2...
- Rational Numbers -> can be expressed in p/q form - has decimal and decimal values either ends or repeats
- Irrational Numbers - no p/q form , ex - Pi , sqaureroot(2) etc.
**Program to add two Numbers**
- Now refer to start of the lecture where we wrote things computer would ask to add two numbers
- refering those questions , start writng code
int main() {
int a;
int b;
cin >> a >> b;
int result = a + b; // explain addition operator
cout << result;
- try to refer the whole code to the previous discussion
- discussion assignement operator
- How it is different from mathematical equal operator
- Cover any point if required
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