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2020-04-07 19:12:13 +05:30
# Tim Sort
Tim sort is the algorithm behind Java and Python's inbuilt `sort()` function. It is a hybrid algorithm, which uses concepts behind insertion sort and merge sort.
## Why to learn Tim Sort?
As we know, asymptotic notation hides some information in it, which is the constant factor associated with it. Constant factor depends upon the type of hardware and the amount of resources used by the algorithm for the provided input data. It is necessary to consider constant factor to evaluate the real time complexity.
**For example**, Insertion sort outperforms Merge sort for a small list of elements, even if asymptotically Insertion sort and Merge sort works with complexity $\Omicron(N^2)$ and $\Omicron(N\log{N})$ respectively. Why?
Merge sort uses recursive calls and $\Omicron(N)$ extra space. Due to this memory overhead and overhead of recursive calls, the constant factor for merge sort turned out to be higher than insertion sort for a small list of elements. Therefore, $C_{is}(N^2) < C_{ms}(N\log{N})$, for small N.
- Here, **Overhead** is any combination of excess or indirect computation time, memory or other resources that are required to perform a specific task on computer.
- Suffix $is$ and $ms$ stands for insertion sort and merge sort respectively.
- For the shake of simplicity, overhead is considered in constant factors $C_{is}$ and $C_{ms}$.
- N is the size of the input data.
As we know Quick sort, Merge sort and Heap sort has the time complexity of $\Omicron(N\log{N})$. Tim sort also has the same time complexity, but it is designed such that the associated constant factor is as low as possible.
Tim sort is an **adaptive algorithm**, which means that it changes its behavior based on the patterns observed in the input data. That is why it is an **intelligent algorithm** and more optimal than other sorting algorithms.
Tim sort is a **stable algorithm** and we take too much care about the stability.
## Brief explanation of tim sort algorithm
1. The whole array is splitted into subarrays such that these subarrays are sorted. If a subarray is sorted in descending manner, then it is reversed.
**Note:** We use some criteria regarding the minimum size of these subarrays.
2. Then we use merge operation to merge these sorted subarrays. This merge operation is an advanced version of the merge routine used in the standard merge sort procedure.
Finally, we have completely sorted array.
Now, let's discuss the entire algorithm.
- **Run**: Run is an ordered(sorted) sub-array. It can be non-decreasing or decreasing. The input array is to be splitted into Runs.
struct run {
// Starting address of a run
int base_address;
// length of run
int len;
base_address = 0;
len = 0;
run(int a, int b)
base_address = a;
len = b;
- **Minimum Run length:** Minimum run length is the minimum length of such run. Its value is decided based on the number of elements in the list. Let's see the algorithm to find it out.
Roughly the computation is:
- If n < 64, return n
- Else if n is an exact power of 2, return 32.
- Else return an integer k, 32 <= k <= 64, such that n/k is close to, but strictly less than, an exact power of 2.
int compute_minrun(int n)
int r = 0;
while (n >= 64) {
r |= n & 1;
n >>= 1;
return n + r;
Here, 64 is a standard value decided by the inventor such that the **min-run length**, for a list of size greater than 63, will turned out to be in the range 32 to 64 inclusive.
The main reason for this is that we are going to use modified insertion sort to sort this small chunk of data and insertion sort performs better on an array of small size.
**Why do we find runs?**
There is no need to sort already sorted data, therefore inorder to take advantage of already sorted data present in the list. We find runs.
### How to find a "Run"?
A **Run** can be increasing or decreasing, so minimum length of a **Run** is $2$, because any sequence of length 2 is either increasing or decreasing.
Whether the run is increasing or decreasing, can be decided based on the first two elements. After finding a type(increasing or decreasing) of a run, we find its length by running a loop until the corresponding condition is satisfied.
In the case of decreasing run, we reverse the list in the end.
// Find run and return its length
// @param start: Start position for the next run
int find_Runandmake_Ascending(vector<int>& data, int start)
int end = data.size();
if (start + 1 == end)
return 1;
int runHi = start + 1;
/// Ascending
if (data[start] < data[runHi])
while (runHi < end && data[runHi - 1] < data[runHi])
/// Descending
else {
while (runHi < end && data[runHi - 1] > data[runHi])
reverseRange(data, start, runHi - 1);
return runHi - start;
// To reverse elements from the range lo to hi
void reverseRange(vector<int>& data, int lo, int hi) {
while (lo < hi)
swap(data[lo++], data[hi--]);
If the length of the run is less than the constant **min-run length**, then we use **binary insertion sort** to add elements until the length becomes min-run length.
## Binary Insertion Sort
As we know the main idea of Insertion sort is to take an element and insert it at the correct position. Now, we are going to use binary search to find correct position, rather than a simple loop.
After finding the correct index, we shift the data from that index by 1 towards right and insert the element at the correct index.
// @param start: Position of next element to be inserted
// @param low: Lower index of the range
// @param high: Upper index of the range
void binaryInsertionsort(vector<int>& data, int start, int low, int high)
if (start == low)
// Iterate from the start index to high-1
for (; start < high; start++) {
int ele = data[start];
// Now find a correct position using binary search
int left = low, right = start;
while (left < right) {
int mid = (left + right) >> 1;
if (data[mid] > ele)
right = mid;
left = mid + 1;
int n = start - left;
// Shift by 1 towards right
if (n > 0) {
int j = start;
while (j != left) {
swap(data[j], data[j - 1]);
data[left] = ele;
Now, we have understood how to find runs. Next we are going to how to merge them?
## Merging
While we merging runs, we take too much care to about stability. In order to maintain **stability** we always merge consecutive runs, because otherwise it may result in instability.
For example, [2 3 4], [1 2 5], [2 4 5] are three consecutive runs, so if we merge first and third run first, then 2 of third run will end up before 2 of second run in the later merge operation.
Now, to maintain information about runs, we are going to use an array, which is used as a stack, so whenever a new run comes, we insert it at the top. Now, let's discuss some criteria about merging this runs.
It is a proven that merging lists of similar sizes tends to perform better than the other case. It is called **"balanced merge"**. Therefore, we use some criteria to merge runs such that we end up having merges of similar sizes, later on.
Criterion 1: If the stack-size is greater than equal to 3 and $|Z| <= |Y| + |X|$ is true, then if $|Z|<|X|$, then merge $|Z|$ and $|Y|$ otherwise merge $|X|$ and $|Y|$.
Criterion 2: $|Y|<=|X|$ then merge them.
Whenever we push a new run into the stack, we check for these criteria and we merge runs accordingly until none of these criteria satisfy. And then we wait for a next run.
**Note:** <code>mergeAt()</code> function in the below code will be discussed.
// This method is called each time a new run is pushed onto the stack
void mergecollapse(vector<int>& data) {
while (stackSize > 1) {
int n = (int) stackSize - 2;
if (n > 0 && stack_of_runs[n - 1].len <= stack_of_runs[n].len + stack_of_runs[n + 1].len) {
if (stack_of_runs[n - 1].len < stack_of_runs[n + 1].len)
// Procedure to merge runs at id n and n+1
mergeAt(data, n);
else if (stack_of_runs[n].len <= stack_of_runs[n + 1].len)
// Procedure to merge runs at id n and n+1
mergeAt(data, n);
There are two things to take a note:
1. In order to have balanced merge, we are delaying the merge, by waiting for a next run.
2. If we want to have advantage of cache memory, i.e. fresh runs are already in the cache, so merging them have less memory overhead.
So, by taking care of both the things, criteria are decided.
After we have found all the runs, we merge all the remaining runs as per below procedure.
// Merges all runs on the stack until only one remains. This method is
// called once, to complete the sort at last.
void mergeForceCollapse(vector<int>& data)
while (stackSize > 1) {
int n = stackSize - 2;
if (n > 0 && stack_of_runs[n - 1].len < stack_of_runs[n + 1].len)
// Procedure to merge runs at id n and n+1
mergeAt(data, n);
Now, let's discuss a new concept Galloping.
## Galloping
Standard merging procedure for merging two sorted arrays [10] and [1,2,3,4,6,8,9,14] goes as below:
As you can see we are consistently taking element from array-2 until we reach $14$. But can we do better? Yes, use galloping.
The idea of galloping is to perform exponential search to find a correct position, rather than comparing elements one by one.
**For example**, if we find correct position of 10 in array-2 using exponential search, then it will be a huge win in terms of **taken time**.
**Does Galloping work in every situation?**
Certainly no, when we are not achieving a sufficient index jump by performing exponential search, then it might be worse then classical merge procedure. But what is sufficient jump?
It is decided to be a constant 7, it is called **minimum gallop**(MIN_GALLOP).
We use galloping mode during merging two sorted arrays.
We have a new variable called _min_gallop_, which is assigned to MIN_GALLOP(7) at the start of the algorithm.
To avoid the drawbacks of galloping mode, we perform actions as below:
1. If we find that we are taking elements from one array more than or equal to _min_gallop_ times consistently, then we enter into galloping mode.
2. After entering into galloping mode, We continue to remain into galloping mode if and only if we find that we have a jump of more than or equal to MIN_GALLOP(7). Otherwise we exit gallop mode. If galloping mode is a success, then we decrease _min_gallop_ by 1 per one success.
**Note:** If we are in galloping mode, then we are using MIN_GALLOP constant to check for the success of galloping mode and to enter into galloping mode we are using _min_gallop_ variable.
3. After we exit galloping mode, we increase _min_gallop_ by one, to discourage a return to galloping mode again.
So, we are trying to balance the whole situation by taking the advantage of galloping.
Sometimes, the value of _min_gallop_ becomes so large that we never enter into galloping mode.
Note that we can do galloping(exponential search) from any side of the array, either left or right, because we are just intended to find a position and that can be approached by doing exponential search from any side.
The starting position for the search is called a **hint**. Sometimes it is better to search from left and sometimes from right.
Procedure for _galloping_:
1. If $key < data[base+hint]$, then it indicates that we should do galloping towards left side, because element at the starting position is greater than key.
2. Otherwise, we do galloping towards right side.
3. To do galloping. we first find range for the key using the procedure we use in exponential search.
4. At last, we do binary search over the range to find the correct position.
We have two types of galloping function _gallopRight_ and _gallopLeft_, the main difference between them is, _gallopRight_ and _gallopLeft_ returns rightmost index and leftmost index respectively in case if there are equal elements.
Now, to maintain stability while merging in galloping mode, If we are doing galloping for run2's element, then we are going to use _gallopRight_, otherwise we will use _gallopLeft_. In simple mode it is trivial to maintain stability.
We have a slightly modified binary search methods for both of them.
Below is the implementation for both the functions.
// Returns k, 0 <= k <= n such that a[b + k - 1] <= key < a[b + k]
// Rightmost index in case of equal elements
int gallopRight(vector<int>& data, int key, int base, int len, int hint)
int ofs = 1;
int lastofs = 0;
if (key < data[base + hint]) {
int maxofs = hint + 1;
// Gallop towards Left side
// Find range for key using Exponentiation
while (ofs < maxofs && key < data[base + hint - ofs]) {
lastofs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs << 1) + 1;
if (ofs > maxofs)
ofs = maxofs;
int tmp = lastofs;
lastofs = hint - ofs;
ofs = hint - tmp;
else {
int maxofs = len - hint;
// Gallop towards Right side
while (ofs < maxofs && key >= data[base + hint + ofs]) {
lastofs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs << 1) + 1;
if (ofs > maxofs)
ofs = maxofs;
lastofs += hint;
ofs += hint;
// Binary search over the range to find a position
while (lastofs < ofs) {
int mid = (lastofs + ofs) / 2;
if (key < data[base + mid])
ofs = mid;
lastofs = mid + 1;
return ofs;
// Returns k, 0 <= k <= n such that a[b + k - 1] < key <= a[b + k]
// Leftmost index in case of equal elements
int gallopLeft(vector<int>& data, int key, int base, int len, int hint)
int ofs = 1;
int lastofs = 0;
if (key <= data[base + hint]) {
int maxofs = hint + 1;
// Gallop towards Left side
// Find range for key using Exponentiation
while (ofs < maxofs && key <= data[base + hint - ofs]) {
lastofs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs << 1) + 1;
if (ofs > maxofs)
ofs = maxofs;
int tmp = lastofs;
lastofs = hint - ofs;
ofs = hint - tmp;
else {
int maxofs = len - hint;
// Gallop towards right side
while (ofs < maxofs && key >= data[base + hint + ofs]) {
lastofs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs << 1) + 1;
if (ofs > maxofs)
ofs = maxofs;
lastofs += hint;
ofs += hint;
// Binary search over the range to find a position
while (lastofs < ofs) {
int mid = (lastofs + ofs) / 2;
if (key <= data[base + mid])
ofs = mid;
lastofs = mid + 1;
return ofs;
Now let's discuss _mergeAt_ procedure, which is used to merge two runs-at the top of the stack.
Let $base_i$ and $len_i$ are base address and length of $run_i$, respectively.
We perform two operation before merging two runs:
- Find index of the first element of $run_2$ into run1. If the index turns out to be the last, then no merging is required. Otherwise just increment the base address for run_1, because the elements before this index are already in place.
- Similarly, find index of the last element of run1 in run2. If the index turns out to be the first, then no merging is required. Otherwise set len2 to this index, because the elements after this index are already in place.
This steps may lead to a very efficient merging.
After performing this operation you notice that all elements of run2 are less than last element fo run1 and first element fo run1 is greater than first element of run2, i.e. $run1[base1] > run2[base2]$.
Let say we are merging two sorted arrays of size _len1_ and _len2_. In traditional merge procedure, we create a new array of size len1+len2. But in Tim sort's merge procedure, we just create a new temporary array of size $min(len1,len2)$ and we copy the smaller array into this temporary array.
The main intention behind it is to decrease **merge space overhead**, because it reduces the number of required element movements.
Notice that we can do merging in both directions: **left-to-right**, as in the traditional mergesort, or **right-to-left**.
Now, suppose the len1 is less than len2, then we will create a temporary copy of run1. To merge them, we are not going to allocate any more memory, but we will merge them directly into the main array, in **left-to-right** direction. In the other case(len2 < len1), we will merge them in **right-to-left** direction.
**The reason** for different directions is that, by doing this we are able to do merging in the main array itself.
// Merges two runs
// parameter i must be stacksize - 2 or stacksize - 3
void mergeAt(vector<int>& data, int i)
int base1 = stack_of_runs[i].base_address;
int len1 = stack_of_runs[i].len;
int base2 = stack_of_runs[i + 1].base_address;
int len2 = stack_of_runs[i + 1].len;
stack_of_runs[i].len = len1 + len2;
// Copy the third last run to 2nd last
if (i == stackSize - 3)
stack_of_runs[i + 1] = stack_of_runs[i + 2];
// Find position of first element of run2 into run1
// prior elements of run1 are already in place
// so just ignore it
int pos1 = gallopRight(data, data[base2], base1, len1, 0);
base1 += pos1;
len1 -= pos1;
if (len1 == 0)
// Find where the last element of run1 goes into run2
// subsequent elements of run2 are already in place
// so just ignore it
len2 = gallopLeft(data, data[base1 + len1 - 1], base2, len2, len2 - 1);
if (len2 == 0)
if (len1 <= len2)
merge_LtoR(data, base1, len1, base2, len2);
merge_RtoL(data, base1, len1, base2, len2);
Now, let's discuss _merge_LtoR_ and _merge_RtoL_.
Note that the first element of run1 is greater than first element of run2 and last element of run1 is greater than all elements of run2, implies two things:
Conclusion 1. The last element of run1 is the largest element.
Conclusion 2. The first element of run2 is the smallest element.
The generic procedure for both of this functions is as below:
1. First copy the smaller run into temporary array.
2. According to above two conclusions start by
3. Start by merging them in a classical way, until one run seems to be contributing elements consistently. Let's call it a win, If one run wins for more than minGallop times consistently, then we enter into galloping mode.
4. We stay into galloping mode as far as it is performing good.
5. If we exit galloping mode, then we panalize by incrementing minGallop. Then start from step-2 again.
There are two degenerate cases we check again and again in the run of the function, which shows that merge procedure is at its end. They are based on the two conclusions discussed above.
For _merge_LtoR_,
1. len2 == 0 $\implies$ Only run1 elements are left.
2. len1 == 1 $\implies$ According to conc. 1, all remaining elements of run2 are smaller than the remaining element in run1.
For _merge_RtoL_,
1. len1 == 0 $\implies$ Only run2 elements are left.
2. len2 == 1 $\implies$ According to conc. 2, all remaining elements of run1 are larger than the remaining element in run2.
Finally, implementation:
// If len1 <= len2 the mergeLo is called
// First element of run1 must be greater than first element of run2
// and last element of run1 must be greater than all elements of run2
void merge_LtoR(vector<int>& data, int base1, int len1, int base2, int len2)
// Copy smaller run in temporary buffer
vector<int> small_run(data.begin() + base1, data.begin() + base1 + len1);
int cursor1 = 0;
int cursor2 = base2;
int dest = base1;
data[dest++] = data[cursor2++];
// Two degenerate cases
if (--len2 == 0) {
while (cursor1 < len1)
data[dest++] = small_run[cursor1++];
if (len1 == 1) {
while (cursor2 < base2 + len2)
data[dest++] = data[cursor2++];
data[dest] = small_run[cursor1];
bool done = false;
// cur_minGallop is a global variable which is
// used to keep track of minimum Gallop required
// to enter into galloping mode for this merge call
// It will updated after this merge procedure
int minGallop = cur_minGallop;
while (true) {
int count1 = 0; // Number of times in a row that first run won
int count2 = 0; // Number of times in a row that second run won
// Straightforward merge procedure until
// one run starts winning consistently
do {
if (data[cursor2] < small_run[cursor1]) {
data[dest++] = data[cursor2++];
count1 = 0;
if (--len2 == 0) {
done = true;
else {
data[dest++] = small_run[cursor1++];
count2 = 0;
if (--len1 == 1) {
done = true;
} while (count1 < minGallop && count2 < minGallop);
if (done)
// One run is winning consistently then galloping
// may lead to a huge win
do {
count1 = gallopRight(small_run, data[cursor2], cursor1, len1, 0);
if (count1 != 0) {
len1 -= count1;
while (count1--)
data[dest++] = small_run[cursor1++];
if (len1 <= 1) {
done = true;
data[dest++] = data[cursor2++];
if (--len2 == 0) {
done = true;
count2 = gallopLeft(data, small_run[cursor1], cursor2, len2, 0);
if (count2 != 0) {
len2 -= count2;
while (count2--)
data[dest++] = data[cursor2++];
if (len2 == 0) {
done = true;
data[dest++] = small_run[cursor1++];
if (--len1 == 1) {
done = true;
} while (count1 >= MIN_GALLOP || count2 >= MIN_GALLOP);
if (done)
// Penalty for coming out from gallop mode
if (minGallop < 0)
minGallop = 0;
// Assing the global variable back
// value should be at least 1
cur_minGallop = max(1, minGallop);
// Rest of the things
if (len1 == 1) {
while (len2--)
data[dest++] = data[cursor2++];
data[dest] = small_run[cursor1];
else {
while (len1--)
data[dest++] = small_run[cursor1++];
// If len2 <= len1 the merge_RtoL is called
// First element of run1 must be greater than first element of run2
// and last element of run1 must be greater than all elements of run2
void merge_RtoL(vector<int>& data, int base1, int len1, int base2, int len2)
// Copy smaller run in temporary buffer
vector<int> small_run(data.begin() + base2, data.begin() + base2 + len2);
int cursor1 = base1 + len1 - 1;
int cursor2 = len2 - 1;
int dest = base2 + len2 - 1;
data[dest--] = data[cursor1--];
if (--len1 == 0) {
while (len2--)
data[dest--] = small_run[cursor2--];
if (len2 == 1) {
while (len1--)
data[dest--] = data[cursor1--];
data[dest] = small_run[cursor2];
bool done = false;
int minGallop = cur_minGallop;
while (true) {
int count1 = 0; // Number of times in a row that first run won
int count2 = 0; // Number of times in a row that second run won
// Straightforward merge procedure until
// one run starts winning consistently
do {
if (data[cursor1] > small_run[cursor2]) {
data[dest--] = data[cursor1--];
count2 = 0;
if (--len1 == 0) {
done = true;
else {
data[dest--] = small_run[cursor2--];
count1 = 0;
if (--len2 == 1) {
done = true;
} while (count1 < minGallop && count2 < minGallop);
if (done)
// One run is winning consistently then we galloping
// may lead to a huge win
do {
count1 = len1 - gallopRight(data, small_run[cursor2], base1, len1, len1 - 1);
if (count1 != 0) {
len1 -= count1;
while (count1--)
data[dest--] = data[cursor1--];
if (len1 == 0) {
done = true;
data[dest--] = small_run[cursor2--];
if (--len2 == 1) {
done = true;
count2 = len2 - gallopLeft(small_run, data[cursor1], 0, len2, len2 - 1);
if (count2 != 0) {
len2 -= count2;
while (count2--)
data[dest--] = small_run[cursor2--];
if (len2 <= 1) {
done = true;
data[dest--] = data[cursor1--];
if (--len1 == 0) {
done = true;
} while (count1 >= MIN_GALLOP || count2 >= MIN_GALLOP);
if (done)
// Penalty for coming out from gallop mode
if (minGallop < 0)
minGallop = 0;
// Assing the global variable back
// value should be at least 1
cur_minGallop = max(1, minGallop);
// Rest of the things
if (len2 == 1) {
while (len1--)
data[dest--] = data[cursor1--];
data[dest] = small_run[cursor2];
else {
while (len2--)
data[dest--] = small_run[cursor2--];
Tim sort function is as below.
void Timsort(vector<int>& data)
int low = 0, high = data.size();
int remaining = data.size();
if (remaining < MIN_MERGE)
int runlen = find_Runandmake_Ascending(data, low, high);
binarysort(data, runlen, low, high);
int minRun = compute_minrun(remaining);
do {
int runlen = find_Runandmake_Ascending(data, low, high);
// If run length is smaller than minRun, then use binarySort
if (runlen < minRun) {
int force_len = remaining <= minRun ? remaining : minRun;
binarysort(data, low + runlen, low, low + force_len);
runlen = force_len;
stack_of_runs[stackSize].base_address = low;
stack_of_runs[stackSize].len = runlen;
low += runlen;
remaining -= runlen;
} while (remaining != 0);
if (stackSize > 1)
Finally, We have learned Tim Sort.
// Other Global declarations
const int MIN_MERGE = 64;
const int MIN_GALLOP = 7;
int cur_minGallop = MIN_GALLOP;
vector<run> stack_of_runs;
int stackSize;
int main()
vector<int> data;
for(int i=0;i<200000;i++)
int size = data.size();
// Standard procedure to find max. stack size for given n
int stack_max_size = (size < 120 ? 5 : size < 1542 ? 10 : size < 119151 ? 19 : 40) * 256;
for (int i = 0; i < stack_max_size; i++) {
stack_of_runs[i] = run();
stackSize = 0;
return 0;
## Time Complexity
**Best case complexity** is $\Omicron(N)$, which is observed when the whole data is already sorted.
In the **worst case**, Timsort takes $\Omicron(NlogN)$.
Average complexity is $\Omicron(NlogN)$.
Space complexity is $O(N)$.
**Note:** Comparison is an expensive operation. Here, expensive is in terms of the computer resources used by the operation.